Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I'm here!!! :-)

Sunday, December 28, 2008


The girls left....then came back. Car troubles. But now they are off again. Michele is going to Topeka with Jesssica. And is it ever quiet!!!! Roger is at work....I'm going to clean house and wash clothes....and Jorge is outside. It is BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't believe that it is the end of December. I even have a couple of windows open. OH MY!! I'm sure this nice weather will get us in the behind!

Tomorrow is back to work. Yuck! But...... Tuesday when I get off work...I'm heading to Topeka. Michele and I are going to a FHSU vs. Washburn girls basketball game on New Years Eve. We are going to spend a few days with Jessica and then come home the end of the week. I'm sure we girls will have a great time bonding!!! :-)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

POPcorn BaLLs........

Sisterly love! I am cracking a gut. Jessica and Michele are making popcorn balls......... for me. :-) But I really wonder who is in charge. I think they both "think" they are! I wish I had a video camera right now..... laugh!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Marley & ME......Happy Birthday Roger!!!

TEaR! Tonight the girls and I took Roger to see "Marley & ME" for his BIRTHDAY. At first I wasn't so sure about the movie. I kind of had troubles really getting into it. The theater was FULL!!! And then the movie started 30 min late. So we were getting pretty restless. Not to mention that usually the theater is cool and was it ever HOT tonight!!! In the end......the movie was ok. (Not one that I would take little kids too.) The end sure was a tear jerker! I bet there wasn't a dry eye there. All you heard was the sniffles!! But we did enjoy the bonding time we shared. Happy Birthday Roger!!!! :-)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!!! And YES Jessica made it home. YEA!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008


What can a person say.... we live in Kansas. Wind!!! COLD!!! It is suppose to snow...but how much? I wonder if Santa Claus will be able to get here? The wind just might blow him right on by. The wind is howling loud enough tonight that it sounds like the roof is going to fly off. Hopefully Jessica will be able to make it home for Christmas. I would hate to have to open her presents.... :-)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Movie TiME

27 Dresses.... Michele and I decided to have a movie afternoon. We just kind of vegged out and did nothing but watch movies. What fun we had. Jorge even joined us. What a silly dog. He thinks he is "cold". He snuggled with whomever had the warmest lap. Then this evening Roger, Michele and I made a quick trip to Hays. Picked up a few things for Christmas and a few groceries. We ate supper at AppleBee's then came on home. Now Michele and I are on our computers..... and Roger is already in bed. What a SCROOGE!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Yesterday.......10:30am...... between finals.......FIRE ALARM!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

December 15, 1986

Jessica Kay Ummel.....8 lbs 2 oz., 20 inches long
Born at 7:32 pm
Happy 22nd Birthday Jessica!!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Run Fast, Turn Left

Thursday evening Michele had a track scrimmage. It was lots of fun to just sit in the stand and watch the kids have fun!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

UpDatE, uPdATe!!

Michele wrote ...... "fire alarm at 1:15 am. it was freezing, this time some dummy on the 2nd floor pulled it. we stood out there a while. they finally let us back inside but not into our rooms. im not sure what time we got back in, i think around 2." This makes #15!! Everyone who is tired of people pulling the alarms....meeting tonight at 9pm.