Thursday, June 25, 2009

Good news, bad news....Bad news, good news

Monday morning Michele had her check up on her knee. We have heard that she shouldn't take the chance and play sports. One wrong move could hurt it forever.....and it is not in good shape now. On Monday we were told....... It is our decision. Yes, it could hurt it forever. But you don't have to live in a glass house. If she stepped wrong it could hurt it in normal day activities. Sooooooooo........ this is what WE have decided~~~ She starts rehab on Monday. They will oversee her once a week. Most will be on her own and in her own time. When the knee is strong and everyone agrees, she can do whatever she wants. And if she wants to play basketball.....well, she is going for it..............

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The last few days have been pretty TOUGH! But I can type about it now that it is OVER. Saturday we realized our air conditioner was not working properly. The unit would run but the fan outside would quit working. That would mean the unit heating up and then we would have to turn the who thing off. We made it thru Saturday okay....after all it rained most of the day. (3 inches) Sunday morning Roger oiled the unit and we made it to Monday morning. Monday afternoon the service man came and had to order a new motor which was to come in yesterday. It did.....but he was "too tied up" to get it put in. To say the least.....I'm enjoying my air tonight! I could not have made it in the "olden days". Bless them all who did.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Scrappy Paper....

Update..... This has been deleted!!! Check out my paper bag album blog!!! :-) ~ From now on all of the pictures of the albums I make will be on this blog.......

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Where is the knee??


Recap of the weekend....

Jessica came home for Daddy's Day. She got here late morning on Friday. Had been sick with Walking Pneumonia so she wasn't able to be at work. They didn't want her there. Were afraid they would catch it. She had been on her meds long enough, so she really wasn't...but oh well. So she decided to leave and get here a little earlier than usual. After a nap she was a little refreshed and Michele talked us into going to the movie. "The Proposal"........ Pretty good movie. Would recommend it!!!!! :-) I don't think I've laughed that much in a long time.

Saturday it rained, rained and rained. I think we ended up with almost 3 inches. Good thing it was cloudy and rainy.....our air conditioner was not working properly. it went. In between the showers Roger bbq'd steaks. I also made potato salad. Were we ever stuffed!!!

This morning Jessica and I worked on insurance paperwork. She is in the real working world now!! Roger got the air conditioner working....YEAH!!!!!! And Michele has been doing laundry.

Tomorrow Michele has her check-up in Salina on her knee. So we are off on a road trip......again. I think while we are there I will make a trip to Hobby Lobby. My most favorite store!!! :-)

Busy, busy weekend. Glad to have both the girls home for Daddy's Day. He sure enjoyed picking on them. Guess Roger and Jessica will get back to the grindstone tomorrow. Michele and I on Tuesday.


Daddy's Day..........

To all the Father's in my life....... Happy Father's Day!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Whata week!!! It only gets better....or not. Glad the week is half over! Jessica called....she has walking pneumonia. You name the symptom and she has it. Pretty miserable. Can't go to work till on her meds for 24 hours. For some reason her co-workers don't want to be near her.....snicker snicker. She is suppose to be home this weekend to celebrate Daddy's Day. Hopefully she starts feeling better soon!!!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Done with sports........ :-(

Michele had her surgery on Friday morning. It went as well as could be expected. When Dr. Harbin came out he told us her knee is shot. Where he thought she had a miniscus is tears in her knee. It is pretty damaged. He did another lateral release like he did two years ago. Said he only does about one of those every three to five years. (Guess she is his one!) She had a reaction to the Lortab they put her on so we have changed pain meds. Is running a fever, but Dr. Harbin said to just watch it. Just going to take a little longer recovery than we thought. So.....we are still at home. Ice on 20min off 40min. Ice on... Ice off. It doesn't look like she will be making it back to Hays and to work this week. But that it okay..... she needs to heal and take care of that knee. Going to need it for a very long time.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Tomorrow Michele is having knee surgery. Have to be at the hospital in Salina at 8am. So that means.......... early to rise! YUCK!!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Speak nO EngLiSH!

I tell you what...... We have lived in this house almost 3 years. And TWICE have I had to call the Sheriff!.....743-5721.....YEP!!! AGAIN!!!

Tonight a "gentlemen" showed up at our house. Couldn't speak English. All Roger could understand was this guy putting his fingers to his ear. He wanted to come into the house and use our phone....NO WAY! So I AGaiN..... called the Sheriff. The only good thing is that we sure do have a fast response. We live just about 7 miles from WaKeeney and he was here tonight in about 5 minutes. When the Sheriff tried to talk to this guy, all he could understand was Atlanta. Guess he is going somewhere....... :-)

I'm starting to get the idea that this is NOT the home I want to retire in.........