Ok....... I'm going to try to get this all right. And if I'm off a little, please bear with me as I will try to be as correct as possible ..................................................................................................... A few weeks ago the Doctors found a spot on Roger's Mom's right lung. After all the tests and results, they scheduled surgery for yesterday morning. She was to be at the hospital at 11am. At about 3:50pm they took her in. They found the spot and it was decided that they would remove her upper right lobe.
Glada got out of surgery around 5:30pm and is in ICU. The Doctor told Roger, Vicki and Audrey that the results will be back on Tuesday. At that time they will know if she will need chemotherapy or radiation. So we are being VERY positive that they DID indeed remove it all. When we left the hospital last night their concern was that she still had a lot of blood coming out of the drain tube. At 1am this morning the hospital called and told Roger that they were taking
Glada back into surgery. She was still losing too much blood. They found two spots that they fixed. She was going to be kept
sedated thru the night.
The report from Vickie this morning.....
Glada's color was much better. She was still on the breathing machine. They are planning on taking the tube out late this morning or sometime this afternoon. Audrey was to be there this afternoon. As of this typing I have no new information. When Roger gets off work today we will be putting up an additional fence so that we can keep Grandpa's dog Bucky here at our house. This will allow Audrey to take Grandma's cats to her house and then she can be there right at Hays with
Glada. And she can also get to her job too. We are probably looking at least a week before
Glada will be going home, but as you know.....only time can tell.
I do plan on keeping all family and friends updated by this site as we receive information. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to call Roger, Vickie or Audrey.
Roger...cell.. 785.731.6043
Vicki....home... 316.832.2877
Vicki....cell... 316.239.8191
Please do keep
Glada in your prayers!!!!