Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Monday was my birthday..... and I'm...... 29...... again. hehe It was really a good day. When I got home from work, Roger asked me what I wanted to do for supper. Did I want to eat out? Did I want him to fix something? What did I want him to fix? I said.... I didn't want to make any decisions! So he got to make ALL the decisions. He BBQ'd steaks. Made french fries and also fresh cucumbers. Then he hand delivered me two homemade strawberry daiquiris. Oh.. heaven! Wish everyday was my birthday!!!!!! With Mishi's help he got me a dozen pink roses.

 This week my day off was today. My boss is on vacation and we were a little short handed on Tuesday. So me... being the "nice lady" I am... I said I'd trade days. Mishi and I slept in this morning. Boy was I tired! We then headed for Hays, stopping at WaKeeney to run an errand. When we made it to Hays, I dropped Mishi off at physical therapy (133 degrees) and I ran a few errands. Then I met up with my chiropractor. We did a little shopping and of course stopped at Wal-Mart getting some groceries. This evening I had an hair appointment. I decided to cut my hair short again........ :-) Now back to work tomorrow. And then it is FRIDAY!

We do now have our pavers down and the hot tub moved into the backyard. Today I also picked up the new filters and stuff we need for it. When my electrician's wife (Mom) is back on her feet he will be helping us get it wired in. Awwwwww.......... again.... heaven.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Ever had "one of those days"?? It seems to me that my family just seems to draw that right to them! I have always said that I have a sign on my forehead that says...... nice lady.

When we moved to WaKeeney, we thought it was a great way to introduce the girls to the "real" world. The very first week we were there I ran to the quik shop for ice. Had to lay on the floor as the Highway Patrol had some Mexicans surrounded in the parking lot with rifles. When I got home my family asked what took so long. I told them my story.... they laughed! Until they realized it was true. The girls also got to see quite frequently drugs in bags on the side of the road. Jessica was a Junior in High School and Michele was an 8th grader when they both ended up on a hit list by a gang in WaKeeney. Yes.... a gang in WaKeeney! They apparently were too smart and too good at sports. We knew about Jessica being on it at the time, but did not learn about Michele till later. Talk about scary!

Maybe this all prepared the girls for when they left for college. While in college, one of Jessica's roommates had a stalker. A year later.... Jessica had a stalker. SCARY! She has also witnessed a gang member breaking another gang members windshield. She had thought about just walking away and pretending she didn't see it, but the guy was looking her straight in the eye as he did it. Good thing the security on site was home at the time, as that is where she went straight too. Even this last week she had to call 911 as she has been acting Manager at a property and someone killed themselves. 

Last year Michele had to call 911 too as a guy, who was drunk, passed out in her front yard and hit his head. Her roommates didn't know what to do. They just wanted to leave him and see if he was still there in the morning. Good thing Michele was thinking. Called 911. After all.... had to make sure he wasn't dead. And she WASN'T going out there to see herself!

We moved to our current house on Mother's Day 2006. Since then we have had to call the police 3 times. Twice having Mexicans on foot. One at our door wanting to use our telephono. And once for a couple whom were making out in my driveway.... YES my driveway. 
....................... Yesterday was the third...........
A gentlemen whom had skulls on his shirt and spikes coming out of his earlobes knocked on my door. His band was on their way to Denver for a gig and their van had broke down on the "freeway". Was my husband home? Thank goodness he was! To make a long story short it all did work out all okay. Even if it freaked me at first and we did call the local police. Better safe than sorry! Pretty sad when you call and say your name.... and they laugh before you can even tell them what is wrong. Guess at least I know that if something happens and all I can say is my name.... they will know right away where I live. The 7 band members were all VERY nice! And polite! And as Roger says, very interesting. As they were all wearing black. Black tops. Black shorts. Black skinny jeans. And all of their hair was black and blond. SPIKES. MOHAWKS. OH MY! Not till after they left we found out the name of their band. The Virgin Whores..... OH MY!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Loonnnngggg time, no seeeeeee.......

So........ STILL no pictures downloaded yet from our mini vacation. Sorry! But just like everyone else in the world, we've been busy! Will post them soon.... I hope!

Last week
Mishi had a appt. on her knee. She is doing pretty good! They started this week doing physical therapy 3 times a week for a month. Then she will go back to the Doctor and if things are still going as planned, drop down to 2 times a week and so forth. 128 degrees today. He wants her at 135 degrees by the middle of August. They are now also working on her strength. Got to get strong so she can RRRRRUUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!

Last weekend Roger, Michele and I drove to Mom and Dads. Michele stayed and visited while Roger and I went onto Lonnie and Tracy's. We got our hot tub back!!! YEA! We can't wait to sit in it. But that will be a short while. We first have to put down some more
pavers as the tub was a little larger than we remembered. But no hurry...... it is way to hot anyways! Another project in the middle is our wash room. Washer/dryer in middle of kitchen, floor down, washer/dryer back in washroom, washer/dryer back in kitchen, rest of floor down, washer/dryer back in washroom, troubles with floor... washer BACK in kitchen, problem worked on (sort of), washer back in washroom. This weekend.... washer back in kitchen, floor back up... work on problem with sub floor. I think my washer has more miles on it than my new car! I am though really starting to like the looks of my washroom!!!

Mom got home today from the hospital. She had her second knee replaced on Monday. And she is doing pretty darn good.
Kudos to her! I bet she sleeps well tonight in her own bed. Hospitals are suppose to help... and I know they do... but you just can't rest in a hospital. Just glad it all went well and she is doing good. I think Dad missed her!!! hehe

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

NOT ready..........

I went back to work today...... darn! Really could have gotten used to that! But I guess it was time to get back to a schedule again. I did however have a great time off from work.

~ Michele and I picked Taylor up in Salina on Monday. Did a little shopping.... :-)
~ Michele had physical therapy every afternoon. All but one day Taylor went with her. I decided it was my vacation, I was staying HOME.
~ Taylor and Michele went to the pool in Hays Friday afternoon and then did a little shopping.
~ Jessica, Gabe & Marley came home Friday evening.... YEAH!
~ We had a BBQ Saturday late afternoon. Mom, Dad, Glada and Audrey all came and ate with us. I had planned on having a bonfire, but the wind was blowing way to hard. After we ate, Glada and Audrey headed home. Then Roger decided to teach Gabe a few things..... drive the truck and also tractor. Gabe had a blast!!! They also hit golf balls... and shot golf balls. Silly guys! The rest of us stayed put on the porch and had a few laughs!
~ On Sunday afternoon Gabe, Jessica & Marley dropped Taylor off in Salina on their way home. Then Roger & I went to Bison to pick up the curio cabinet. I know it sounds funny, but Mom & Dad followed us back home and helped unload the curio cabinet. Man was it heavy! Couldn't have done it without them! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I hope to have some time tomorrow to start cleaning all the glass on it. We'll see as Michele and I both have eye appts, then chiropractor appts, then Mishi's physical therapy.

BUSY DAYS!! Yep...... back to normal!
Got LOTS of pictures!! Hope to get them posted soon!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Am I ever ENJOYING my time off!!! (Even if we didn't get to go to Texas like planned) Gotten a few things done around the house......

Michele & Taylor~ Yesterday they spent the day in Hays. Mishi had a dentist appt, a hair appt and physical therapy. They then had a dinner date with Grandma & Grandpa. In between appts they did a little shopping and then went to Hays Tees (where Mishi works.... )and made Taylor a couple tee shirts. Boy were they tired last night. That Taylor was in bed at 9:45 pm...hehe. And Mishi was falling asleep in the chair at 8:00 pm. Silly girls! Busy busy busy!!!

Mishi has physical therapy this afternoon and Taylor went with her. I'm working on a new rag quilt. Surprise for someone!!!!!! Tomorrow I have plans for us to paint my living room. What fun! And if the rain keeps Roger from working, we need to get to Mom & Dads to pick up a curio cabinet and a dresser. So much to do.... too bad I have to go back to work next week! I REALLY could get used to this....... :-)

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Happy 4th of July!!!! Enjoy!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wild West Fest.....

Mishi bought us tickets to attend Wild West Fest in Hays. She went Thursday night with friends and seen John Michael Montgomery. Then last night Mishi and I bonded.....

LoCash Cowboys.......

Blaine Younger Band......

Chad & Mishi.....

Mishi & Christine.....

Friday, July 2, 2010


Just found out for sure that Jessica isn't going to get her vacation with us next week. Last week they fired her boss, so they are short handed. Apparently her boss didn't know exactly what she was doing. Besides other things, she approved Jessica's vacation but didn't send it on to the district manager to approve also. If she had done her job correctly.... Jessica would be able to be here. Sometimes things really stink! But, I guess that is life! What a lesson to learn. She has been able to reschedule it for about in a month.... ( and already has the district manager signing off on it)


As of 5pm last night...... I'm officially on vacation until July 12th! Yeah me! Our plans for Texas got nipped in the behind, but that is okay. Mishi's knee needs to come first! And that is looking a little better so..... that makes it ALL better. Another thing that makes it better???? Hurricane ALEX! Go Alex!! Texas is suppose to be having a rainy weekend. Sorry LaDonna!!

Anyways...... we have a lot planned. Going to have lots of fun! And will take lots of pictures! Just going to ENJOY!