I know...... I've been mia for a while. Only excuse, is I just did not feel up to it. But hopefully things will be on the uphill side soon. Seemed that my RA was progressing and I was just feeling terrible. I changed Rheumatologists and hope to be feeling better soon. According to my new doctor, my meds were kind of kicking my butt and one of them was messing with my sleep. And even thou I thought I was sleeping, but having VERY vivid dreams......... according to my new doctor...... I really wasn't sleeping. Then you have this snowball effect.... no sleep, tired, feel bad...... just one big circle. So he changed around my meds and hopefully I will be feeling better soon. I have also just went from working full time to part time, so that should help too. Lots of rest is suppose to keep the RA from progressing.
And that is the goal.... not letting this RA stuff....... kick my butt!!