Saturday, March 31, 2012

ouchy. . . . . .

It seems that of lately my RA has been kicking me in the butt. So I decided to call my rheumatologist and get in earlier than my next scheduled appointment. Since my new rheumatologist is in Hutchinson, I went to my Mom and Dad's and stayed there. That way not having to make the trip there and back in one day. . . . which would kick my behind. Mom has decided that she will ride with me every time. Mom's day out.  :-)  

I'm really liking this new guy!! He upped some of my medicines.  Injected BOTH my hips with steroids. And gave me a big hug with a. . . . . . . "It is okay. We will make you feel better." The first day, they were still pretty numb. Thursday I was pretty sore. And day by day the soreness is going away. I have to say that I don't recall them hurting at all during the night last night. I have hopes that we are on the way to feeling better!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

all things change in time. . . . .

I can't believe how time changes everything!! It seems like it was just yesterday that we brought Jessica home from the hospital. And then 3 years later Michele. My big eye opener was when Michele went off to college. I wasn't sure how Roger and I was going to make it. What would we talk about?? What would we do? Then Michele moved to Topeka. . . .  BOTH my girls are on the other side of the state!!! 

Michele will graduate in May. BOTH my girls will have their "big girl job". Onto bigger and better things. They are getting ready to move. . . . again. . . . . . .  :-) Bigger and better. 

Yep. . . . . time moves on. . . .  things change. . . . . .

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Oldsters vs. youngsters. . . . . .

I am getting excited!! Recently we started making plans for the annual Ummel Reunion. This year, the Ummel's. . . . .  from the boonies. . . . . will be the hosts. And what fun ideas we are coming up with. Just wait! Plenty of fun for the young and the old!! I think there should be a contest. . . . .

Oldsters vs. Youngsters

Can the youngsters beat the oldsters by how many shows up??  Hmmmmm. . . . . . what age do you become a "Oldster"?

 Saturday & Sunday ~ September 1 & 2, 2012 ( Labor Day weekend )

Saturday, March 10, 2012

addition. . . . .

The Kaler's (Mom, Dad, Courtney & Cody) are proud to announce a new addition to their family..............


blessed. . . . . again. . . . .

We are soooooo blessed! A little under 5 months ago we were celebrating Jessica's new job. Well, now we get to celebrate once again. Michele was offered..... and has accepted her "big girl" job. Right now she is an intern at Security Benefit in Topeka. After graduation she will be staying at Security Benefit, but will be moving into the IT department. She will no longer be able to use the excuse. . . . . .  "I'm a poor college student". Way too go Michele!!