Thursday, August 20, 2015

Saturday, August 8, 2015

kidz. . . . . . .

Even though both our girls live on the east side of the state, there are times they both can't come home and visit at the same time.  This just recently happened.  Jessica, Gabe & Marley came home one weekend.  Then I went to M's the next weekend.  And then Michele, Nick & Nemo came home for a weekend.  Our house sure wakes up when they come home!  And we L.O.V.E. it!! 

Jessica ~ We spent most the time just hanging out here at the house.  And of course we had to show them Roger's new work pickup and take a ride.  

And I'm sure this was why they came home.  Happy Birthday to me.  :)  Jessica gave me Zola.

Then Michele, Nick & Marley came home to help Roger.  His Dad had given him his tractor.  Roger had been trying to get it home, but just hadn't had a chance.  He really wasn't wanting to run it home.  And it was a good thing he didn't try.  Fifteen minutes after he started and moved it out of the garage.  . . it died. 

Nick to the rescue.  He brought his trailer with a winch.  They spent most the day working on it once they got it home.  It does run now, but Roger is still tinkering with it.  

After getting the tractor loaded, M gave Nick a little tour of the farm.  She even brought home some wood that we will be using in her wedding.  

 And the last "little" thing to keep us busy.  Wedding invitation #2 went out in the mail a couple days ago.  Should be arriving any time now.


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Finally!! . . . . . .

Finally!  I'm happy to say that Roger and I have finally went thru Jessica and Gabe's wedding pictures.  Jessica brought them home the weekend before last.  But as you can imagine I haven't had time to get them put onto my computer and taken a look.  

Let's just say it took us awhile to go thru the thousand or so pictures.  Man, this is going to be tough!  I'm not sure where I'm going to start with picking pictures out and ordering.  I think the plan may need to be to just wait.  Wait until Michele and Nick's wedding is over.  Then I can start with this next project. 

Obviously I won't be posting all the pictures.  But will share my favorites on and off.