Friday, November 4, 2016


Last year was a very exciting and VERY busy for our family. Jessica and Gabe got married in May. Then Michele and Nick got married in October.  Got one wedding over with, took a deep breathe and dived into the next. Whew! No major problems..... We won't talk about Jessica's bridesmaid who cut her finger 15 minutes before the wedding and ended up in urgent care right after. And we won't talk about the limo breaking down right before Michele's wedding. Now we can laugh!! 

Roger and I have adjusted to having "boys" in our family. We see them often, but of course never enough. And obviously the holidays have changed with our girls having new families to work into their schedule. But it has all been good! 

We are now patiently (impatiently) waiting for 2017. Our family will be G.R.O.W.I.N.G!! Michele and Nick will be adding a member to our little family in May. And last week we found out. . . . . . 

IT'S a BOY!!