Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!! YEA!!!! After being on vacation last week.....this week has GOT to be the longest ever! One of the ladies in our office is off today and tomorrow, so I'm covering her shift. I usually work either 7:30-4, 7-3:30 or 6:30-3. But tomorrow I work 8:30-5. So I'm SURE tomorrow will be the longest day, but that is okay. At least I don't have to work those hours everyday as she does. Guess being there the longest gets the better hours.
Roger talked to Glada last night. It sounds like Dennis will not be able to go to her oncologist appt. with her, so Roger and I are going to. I'm sure that tomorrow afternoon Glada and Audrey will be here to pick up Bucky. He seems to have settled in. You just can't let him run loose or he will run. He sure does wag his tail when I pull in the drive after work. And Roger takes him for a walk every evening too. Even Luke and Jorge are getting used to having him around. Now we just need to teach Roger to make sure he gets that darn gate closed.....haha
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