Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Move outta my way......

Last weekend we got Jessica moved. I've been having lots of problems with my right hand, so when the movers showed up.... I ran some of my errands. Got some things picked up and also got a few things returned. Then it was time for cleaning and putting away. To make a long story short, it was very dirty. But we got it done. Thank goodness for Gabe and Roger! They worked their behinds off and had such patience, not only for me, but for Jessica too. Michele also worked her little tail off. We couldn't have done it without everyone chipping in like they did. Even Jessica's roommate Allison worked her behind off. Jessica's house is so cute! And what a nice neighborhood it is. Nice and quiet!!! They did good! I can't wait till the next time we go for a visit! It will be so nice to just hang out and enjoy the quiet. Just sit and enjoy her new patio and backyard. Good job Jessica! We are so proud of you!!!

What a day today!! It was just beautiful! I had so much to do here at the house, but chose to go to Hays and go shopping. Got some new work clothes. Took Michele out to dinner. Even got some more fencing for my garden. We are working on expanding it. To say the least, I didn't get a thing on my list done. But I did enjoy the beautiful day! I am hoping that we can get my garden going soon. Roger has been SOOOO busy at work! Lots of hours everyday. Hope he finds the time for my garden...hehe.

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