Happy Mother's Day! This is the day that all Mother's thank God for the special "things" in their lives. WRONG! It is the day that your family thanks you for the special things you do for them. A Mother thanks God each and EVERY day for what he has given them. I am so thankful for the joys in my life.... Jessica and Michele. They have grown into such mature, strong young women. I wouldn't change a thing! I couldn't post a picture of me and the girls this weekend as Jessica couldn't make it home, BUT she is coming home next weekend. So..... I will be sure to grab that snapshot then.
Yesterday I got to BBQ supper for my Mommy! :-) Mom, Dad and Char spent the afternoon with us. And what a wonderful time we had visiting. Now that I think of it... I should have grabbed a snapshot of her and I together!!! Or one of her and Charlene. DARN! But we did have a really nice time! Roger even had Dad look at some things around the house. We were not happy at all with the estimate on the windows, so I think WE (Roger & Dad) are going to put new ones in. Mostly the afternoon was just chatting and ENJOYING!
Here are some special moments in my life that I have got to enjoy..............

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