Wednesday, November 24, 2010


They are OUT! The screws are finally out! We were in... and out.... in just a little over 4 hours. Now that is a record! And as you see, Mishi has her screws. We told EVERYONE that she wanted them. She even told them that if they forgot we'd have to go dumpster diving. Silly girl! (And I'm sure we would have too!) It was very weird to see her get up off the bed and walk. Not just walk, but without crutches. And not much of a limp. Now that it is several hours later.... it is starting to hurt. Now she does have a limp. But as she said.... the pain is not like before. So that is GOOD! She is to take it easy for the next couple months. First to let the incision heal. Also to let the bone heal. They don't want to take any chances for that to break. So.... easy it is! 

Now that we are home, we are starting our cooking for Thanksgiving. (Or I am) One of Mishi's requests is... potato salad and deviled eggs. YES.... potato salad. Silly silly! But that is okay. Potatoes are potatoes. If she is feeling up to it we will be heading to Mom & Dads. If not, we will be staying home. Either way.... our tummies will be full!!

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