We are in Topeka! Bonding!! I had signed up for Roger & I to go to my work Christmas party for Saturday evening, but then Michele had asked if I wanted to go to Topeka. Yes... no... yes... no... yes... no.... YES! I thought that maybe I would be more help to Michele helping her drive back home this evening. She left earlier this morning to go to Kansas City. A friend of hers was going to tutor her in one of her online computer classes which has been giving her some problems. The things we do for love. And to be really honest... I wasn't sure I really wanted to go to the party anyways. We left Friday as soon as I got off work. Boy was that a long day! Then yesterday we just hung out and did some shopping. The girls both found some things that they wanted. As they get older it is so hard to get what they want without them picking it out themselves. So.... while Michele is in KC, Jessica & I are going to have a early lunch and then go to the Mall. Yes, we went there yesterday, but didn't spend too much time there. Michele's knee was hurting pretty good, so we decided to do our clothes trying on today. Michele is not good on waiting... hehe. Hopefully all three of us have a good day. We will be heading back west this evening.
Tomorrow Michele has a checkup on her knee. It is still draining a little and pretty black & blue. They will be taking the stitches out. I have a doctor appt. for my back and then even Roger has an eye appt. CRAZY! And here it is suppose to be my day off! Guess I'm not getting any rest these days off..... :-)
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