Friday, May 27, 2011

butterfly kisses.......

Dear lil' sis~

Today is a year. A year since you left us. A year that you have been able to run, jump, talk, eat & play! I miss you so much my little behind. 

      #2 Kaler

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Welcome to Topeka Michele.....

Saturday morning we left "bright and early" for Topeka. Roger driving the pickup with a u-haul. Michele, Jorge and I in her car following a little later. Michele is now a resident of the city of Topeka. Hard to believe that BOTH my girls are on the other side of the state. This is going to take some adjusting.... not only for them, but for Mom and Dad too. 

Block party????? Well...... kind of! Saturday evening it started storming. Tornado sirens going off everywhere. To say the least, we ended up watching several funnel clouds go right over the girls new house. So, yes, there was a block party. And what a great way to meet the neighbors!

This picture was taken by someone who lives just a few blocks from Jessica & Michele's.  We watched this also go right over their house.  Welcome to Topeka Michele! The party is for you.

Tim McGraw......

The Band Perry performing with Tim McGraw
Luke Bryan

Thursday morning Michele and I headed to Wichita where we met up with Jessica at Jenny's house. Taylor and Haylee were not out of school yet, so we got to just sit and visit. We then went to a deli for supper and  it was off to the Tim McGraw concert. The opening acts were The Band Perry and Luke Bryan. Our tickets were right near center stage. They would not let me take my camera into the arena as it had a detachable lens. I was told that I could take professional pictures and then sell them. Gosh darn it!!!! But Jessica did get some pretty awesome pictures. Way to go! ....... And Michele...... she....... A.L.M.O.S.T ....... touched Tim's hand. Soooooo close!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Yesterday Glada, Roger, Michele & I made a trip to Dennis & Vicki's.  Their 3rd child graduated from Valley Center High School. It was a very quick trip, but what a nice time we had. Just wish we could have visited longer.

Congrats Cara!! Good luck next year!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

if it will happen.......

it will happen to her.

Mom went to the orthopedic doctor yesterday. No surgery right now, but will see again in 2 weeks. . . .  Did end up with two walking casts. YEP! She has TWO bummed ankles!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!


Last year Jessica & Michele got Roger & I an gift certificate to C&W Ranch Bed and Breakfast. So, yesterday Roger & I drove to Salina for a nice relaxing weekend.  We did a little shopping. Went and had a great supper at Tucson's Steakhouse. Watched a couple movies. Just had a nice time away. Thanks girls!!!!

Friday evening I did get a call from my Mom. They were on the way home from the ER.  My Mom's knee had given out and she fell. And go figure . . . . . . she broke her ankle. In two places. So, now she has to go see an orthopedic doctor and see if she needs surgery or not. Hopefully not.

Monday, May 2, 2011

one down. . . . .

and one to go!  Whew!  What a packed weekend!  Roger & I left for Topeka on Friday afternoon to start moving Jessica.  Michele had a banquet with Alpha Kappa Psi so she stayed in Hays.  Sounded like she had lots of fun.  Anyways. . . . . . after a lot of work, we got it done.  Yeah!!!!!  And kudos's to Jessica.  Such a hard worker.  Especially after being sick last week.  Her leg was VERY swollen and she had such a nasty bruise. She ended up going to the doctor and then they sent her to the lab.  They decided her counts were high and thought she could have a blood clot.  She then ended up going for an ultra sound.  Thank goodness they couldn't find any blood clots!!!!!  So, while she was suppose to be taking it easy . . . . . . she was working her behind off.  Love you Jessica!  

So what a busy May we will have!  This next weekend Roger & I are "going away".  The next weekend Cara is graduating.  The 19th Jessica, Michele & I have reserve tickets to see Tim McGraw.  ANd then on the 21st we are moving Michele to Topeka.