Monday, May 2, 2011

one down. . . . .

and one to go!  Whew!  What a packed weekend!  Roger & I left for Topeka on Friday afternoon to start moving Jessica.  Michele had a banquet with Alpha Kappa Psi so she stayed in Hays.  Sounded like she had lots of fun.  Anyways. . . . . . after a lot of work, we got it done.  Yeah!!!!!  And kudos's to Jessica.  Such a hard worker.  Especially after being sick last week.  Her leg was VERY swollen and she had such a nasty bruise. She ended up going to the doctor and then they sent her to the lab.  They decided her counts were high and thought she could have a blood clot.  She then ended up going for an ultra sound.  Thank goodness they couldn't find any blood clots!!!!!  So, while she was suppose to be taking it easy . . . . . . she was working her behind off.  Love you Jessica!  

So what a busy May we will have!  This next weekend Roger & I are "going away".  The next weekend Cara is graduating.  The 19th Jessica, Michele & I have reserve tickets to see Tim McGraw.  ANd then on the 21st we are moving Michele to Topeka.   

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