Friday, September 30, 2011


Do you ever have one of those times where you are thinking you are really blessed?  That is me right now!  As my girls have been growing up and going out on their own, I say a lot of prayers hoping that someday they really do well on their own.  On their own meaning they don't need anyone to take care of them.  Roger and I have always told them that they can be ANYTHING they want.  Seems the luck ran with Michele since she moved to Topeka..... BUT, today is Jessica's day!!!  I'm VERY proud to say that Jessica was offered and she has accepted a new job today.  She starts in 2 weeks.  AND....... is accepting a very substantial pay raise $$$$$$.  Way to go Jessica!!!  Your Dad and I are so VERY proud of you and just love you to pieces. Congratulations!!! (TOLD YOU that those degree's would pay off!!)

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