Saturday, May 19, 2012

DMV. . . .

In Topeka. (Yes, we have also been at Taylor's graduation in Wichita. More to come on that later.)  Having such a nice time!! We got back to Topeka about 12:20 am Friday morning. Slept. . . . then went SHOPPING! But first we went to the DMV so Mishi could get her tags for the new car. That place is SCARY! Got our number at 10:15 am. Talked to a few people and learned that the wait was gonna be a very long one. But the Treasurer does have a good set up considering. You can go on a website and check the hallway and see the number sign on what number they are at. Mishi went back at 4 pm before they shut the doors. At 5 pm Jessica and I went to sit in the parking lot to put coins in the parking meter for her (which we found out too late that they stop at 5 pm). Within minutes we heard gunshots. We had heard that Thursday night they had enough people in the office that they stayed open till 8 pm. Close to dark. . . . . young girl. . . . downtown. . . . gun shots. . . yep, we weren't leaving her. Loooonnnnnggggg story short, she walked out of the building around 6:15 pm. Eight hours after we picked up her number. Talk about crazy! Sure would have been easier if she could have tagged her car in Trego County!!

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