Doesn't this just melt your heart?? Sometimes this little guy is just something else! Every time. And I mean EVERY time that you leave and then come home, he is just so excited to see you. It is like you have been gone forever. And that every time he needs to give you a hug. Yes, I said a hug! Jorge loves to give hugs!! He will just love you like a little baby.
Friday night when I came home from work he met me at the door. But before I could even make it in, he stood there and shivered. Buuuuurrrrsssss! Buurrrsssss! So funny. And when I asked him if he was cold? Bbbbuuurrrsssss! So, to say the least, we turned on our furnace for the dog. Good reason, right? I mean. . . . . . we weren't cold at all. Ha! Then on Saturday while it was snowing, Roger started up our pellet stove. So now, when you can't find Jorge. . . . . he is in the basement!!
Basement. Now, this morning that was ANOTHER story! Roger left for work just as it was starting to get light out. Just as he was pulling out of the drive Jorge started his "I want something bark". Just right outside our bedroom door at the top of the stairs. He has been well known to "ask" if he can get on the couch. Or "ask" to be told to get in his bed. Or "ask" to be covered up with his blanket. (this one is Roger's fault!!) So, after the first "ask", I just said "go nite nite". Another ask. . . "Jorge, go nite nite". A very stern "ask". . . "Jorge! I said go nite nite". A lot louder "ask"! I got out of bed and there he is just sitting. Looking down the stairs. Gosh dang it dog! I don't have to get up this early!! So then we went thru the questions. 1~"Do you need to go outside?" no. 2~"Do you want in your bed?" Obviously that was a NO. He just kept looking down the stairs. 3~ Asked again. "Jorge! Do you have to go poddie??" NO. He just kept on looking down those dang stairs. I knew then what he wanted. He wanted downstairs. Downstairs where it is nice and toasty and warm. BUT~ Jorge is scared of the dark!!
No! I didn't take him downstairs. No! He didn't go downstairs. (Duh! It is dark down there!) He huffed at me. And yes I said huffed! Turned around. Jumped to his spot on the back of the couch. Took a big sigh. And turned the other way.
Happy Tuesday!!