Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

This morning I met my Mom and my Aunt Sharon at Hays.  We then went to Salina to do some fast shopping.  And some good bonding. While there I met Aunt Eunice and gave her the rest of the signs that I was to make from the Ummel Reunion. So, if you are one of them waiting. . . . ur signs are in Salina. (Larry & Linda, Donnie, Bob & Donna, Vicki and Kathryn) You can contact Aunt Eunice and get them from her. Thank you Aunt Eunice!!!!! And I will make sure the next trip I have extra time for lunch!! You're just way to sweet!

News. . . . . Roger went to Oklahoma City yesterday and got a NEW truck!! Yah!!! He didn't get home till really late. And I left for the day today. So we will get a picture up in the next few days. Looks pretty snazzy to me.

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