Christmas this year was fairly quiet. Not like any Christmas we have ever had. What a change when your girls grow up and make their own families. And then with Christmas being in the middle of the week. Well, that messes things up too. Jessica and Gabe had to work on Thursday and Friday and got here late Friday night. They left mid morning on Sunday. Michele made it home on Christmas Eve. And was able to spend from Christmas Eve till Sunday morning with us. Her and Nick had exchanged their presents. And Michele got a guitar from Nick. I guess one time she mentioned to him that learning how to play the guitar was on her bucket list. He must listen. :-) Her and Roger was playing around with it. But for some reason Jorge just didn't like it. Hmmmm. . . . .
Christmas afternoon we went south to Glada and Audrey's. Dennis, Vicki, Cara and Kim came from Wichita. Glada's sister, Aunt Shirley came to visit for a few hours and ate dinner with us before heading onto their brothers for supper. We had a grand time visiting.
Saturday late morning Michele, Roger, Jessica, Gabe and I headed to Bison to have Christmas with Mom, Dad, Courtney and Cody. Jenny and Haylee were able to come from Wichita. A good meal and presents!
Jorge L.O.V.E.D his chicken!
Happy Holiday's from The Ummel's!