Well. . . . . the divorce is final.
This last weekend we got everyone moved. We couldn't have done it without all the help of Jessica and Gabe's friends. Nick and Michele also worked their behinds off! And a big pat on the back to Roger! We needed a great supervisor! Jorge, Marley and I. . . .well. . . .we worked some. Somebody had to be the boss.
Jessica and Gabe are now moved into their new town home. And Michele. . . well her stuff is being stored at one of Nick's friends parents. And she is camping out at her friends till her and Nick close on their house. So many exciting things are happening for The Ummel's! Our next trip will be after Michele and Nick close on their house. Michele has a list of furniture that we need to take back. Then we will be able to check out the new house. :-) And by then Jessica and Gabe should be all settled. So I'm excited to see the finished product.
This next month Roger and I are going to be working on the honey do's. Memorial weekend Roger is having a Cousin Reunion for on his Mother's side of the family. The Ummel side has a family reunion E.V.E.R.Y. single year. Isn't that great!! So it will be nice to see the other side of the family. I don't think this has happened since Roger and I got married. I can't even remember when my cousins and I have gotten together.
Sometimes we get busy with our own lives and forget that family is all we have.
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