Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Was just wanting to check in with everyone. All is well! Just busy! But the days go by faster when you are busy, so that is okay. The new job is going well. My brain is not feeling so overwhelmed. This is my first week of 4 day 10 hour work week. I'm guessing it will take me a while to get used to the schedule, but am really starting to enjoy it. Tuesdays will be my "day off", so today was the day. It sure was nice to have time to get the errands and stuff done. I went to the doctor, did a little shopping, visited with some friends, washed some cloths and even gave Jorge a bath. What a productive day!

Friday when I get off work I'm picking up Michele and we are heading for Topeka. Guess the girls planned some bonding time and Xmas shopping. And they asked me to join them! Yeah!! Can't wait! Jessica is feeling much better! She is laughing now because her boyfriend has been sick and he thinks nobody is as sick as him...hehe. (What a man!) And of course she is not even going close to him. I told her I agreed that she stay away, but to at least be nice. She thought she was going to die too when she had H1N1.......

Glada is doing well. Last Wednesday Bucky "ran away from home". But did come back on Saturday. I'm guessing that now they will probably have to keep him pinned up so he doesn't run.

My family is also staying well. Mom and Dad are keeping Char out of the stores. Good thinking! The flu is EVERYWHERE!!! Really kind of scary.

I almost forgot..... Jessica had a job interview this morning!!! She is so EXCITED!!!! The job is for Assistant Marketing Director/Business Development for Simon Malls. They told her they started with 60 applications and interviewed 8 applicants. She got the call this afternoon that she has made the cut to 4. So now she takes a profile test and they choose 2 from that. The last two will then have another interview they have to go thru. She was also told that she was the only one to have not only a marketing degree but also her business degree. And she is also the only one that has property management experience. Keep your fingers crossed!!!!

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