~This weekend has been so much fun! Jessica, Michele and Jenna (Jessica's roommate the last 2 yrs) got here Friday night around 11pm. Then yesterday morning we hung around the house for a short time and then went to Hays for the day. Lunch at Thirsty's..... a massage at Heavenly Bodies.....then SHOPPING! We had such a grand time. I still can not believe that my baby is 20!
~I am sad that Jessica will be leaving tomorrow to head back to Topeka. It always seems like her visits are so short. Then she wants to visit and do so much when home, that it is always so busy. And not easy making everyone happy when she can not get everything fitted into her short weekend. But they do grow up and do have their own lives. So now I'm thinking we have reached the point in our lives that parent's are suppose to hit. The point that we need to find more time to go visit her! Guess Roger and I need to sit down and schedule a visit........ :-)
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