Thursday, September 25, 2008

UmmelStock 2008

Saturday morning Roger, Glada and I drove to Salina for UmmelStock 2008. Jessica came from Topeka and met us there. What a good excuse to see her!!! It was also so good to see family that you just only see once ever few years. We have been so bad about attending every year! I think we have realized that family is all you have and this is going to become a yearly tradition. We ate so MUCH food!! Talked a LOT! And enjoyed the band. Hopefully we will all be better about keeping in touch.

Roger's cousin Denny loaded up this pickup and took it back to his home in Iowa. At one time it was not only his Dad's.....but then it was their Grandfather's. He is planning to restore it. How exciting! What a piece of history.

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