Wednesday, April 24, 2013

just draining. . . .

Our last few weeks have been just draining! Waiting & worrying is just draining.

But, we are happy to say everything is A.O.K!

The very end of February was my annual mammogram. You read "annual" right?? Yes, I have my annual mammogram/well woman EVERY year. I am a very for this. Especially after having "pre cancerous cells" in 2006 and having my hysterectomy. WHY would anyone want to wait till after you have cancer?? And after the last few weeks I will be the preacher of mammogram's too!

The next day I received the call. "Corina, we have a problem." I was then scheduled for a bilateral mammogram and a ultrasound. On both sides. A week later, with me being curious, watched the screen. And was not sure I liked what I seen. But what do I know?? Right! My mammogram was fine last year. My primary doctors nurse called and said that everything was okay. And I just needed to have all the tests redone in 4 months. But then my gynaecologist called and said that they preferred to send me onto The Breast Center. "Let's let the ones who deal all the time with these decide what is best." A week and a half later I sat in the room waiting for the doctor to come in. Nervous as can be!!

The first question was "First, let's see what you have been told."

Me ~ I had a mammogram, bilateral mammogram and ultrasound on both sides. The spot on my right side was nothing. And I have a large cyst on my left side. Not a big deal.... right??

And this is what I heard ~ Well, actually. . . . . The spot on your right is a simple fluid filled cyst the size of a pea. Nothing to worry about. You have another simple fluid filled cyst the size of a quarter on your left side at 2 o'clock. Nothing to worry about. BUT, you also have another cyst at 1 o'clock. This one is a little bigger than a quarter and is a fluid filled cyst, which is good, but it also has solid filled spots inside of it.

CRAP! A biopsy was scheduled.
My Humira was stopped. CRAP!

And a week later, last Thursday, I had some biopsy's taken.
No. . . . they do not put you under.
Yes. . . .they do numb it.
No. . .. it wasn't as bad as it sounds or what I imagined.
Yes. . . I really hurt after the numbing wore off
Yes. . . I'm still sore.

And then we wait. . . . till yesterday.

It is benign! 

Thank goodness!!  I will follow up with the cancer doctor in 6 months. Everything will be ran again. As I understand, my tissue is not normal. There is a new way of mammograms out there. Tomography. It is not for everyone, but I would benefit from it. Only problem it will be some time before you see it offered everywhere. Right now the closest is Kansas City. And it is probable that I will be asked to go there.

We are way okay with this!
Whatever I need to do!

So.... to today. My Humira is laying on the counter getting warmed up. I have been given the okay to start it back up. And probably by the time you read this, it will be in my body. THANK GOODNESS!! 

Lesson of the day ~ One in every seven women get breast cancer.
                             ~ Most breast cancer is curable if caught early.

     Get your annual mammogram and well woman check!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday. . . . . funday. . . .

What a beautiful day! I can't believe how nice out is was. We even had the screens open and a nice breeze going thru the house. Just beautiful!! BUT. . . . 

Have you heard the weather forecast? 80% chance of snow tomorrow night. And could get up to 2 inches. Now how silly is that!!

Back to my Sunday funday. . . . . . . 

Today we worked in the bathroom. With the work of two, we got the plug in moved so that we could frame out the mirror. And it was just what was needed!! Every time I would walk into the bathroom, it looked. . . . . just blah. I just didn't know what it needed. That plug in just stood out. And I hated it!!
So, we moved it. And then framed. And then had to move the shelf. . . . again. But we got it! And I'm so happy with the frame. The wood came from the buildings that had been torn down from the Ummel homestead. 

Pallet shelf that I got on my last trip to the West Bottoms in KC.

Hmmmmm. . . . . what next??

Friday, April 19, 2013

are you ready to. . . . . . .


I mean. . . . . 

Are you ready to R.U.N??? 

oh ya. I can't run. I guess. . . . . 

Are you ready to run OR walk??


'Johnson Love' is at it again!!

Join us for lots of family, friends and fun.

Saturday, June 22, 2013 @9:00

When registering, look for team Johnson Love.
The password: smiles89

If you have any troubles, contact Michele or I.

CAN'T wait to have F.U.N!!!  

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

introducing. . . . . .

 All two pounds of her. The proud Mama is Courtney. 
Isn't she cute?????

. . . . . .

After such a fun filled weekend, this weekend has been easy. Well, I'm not sure easy is the word. But I guess just not quite as busy. Don't get me wrong! I had a B.L.A.S.T!!!  But it was hard work. 

This weekend has been filled with cleaning. And shopping. Yesterday was filled with buying a new refrigerator and a new mattress set for our room. And when shopping for either of those, it takes time. Time to look and check them out. I've opened a few doors/drawers and taken a few "short naps". The fridge is in the process of being ordered. The mattress is ordered and should be in by the middle of the week. Can't wait!! I am feeling like I'm sleeping in the hole of doom. Isn't it funny?? Just thinking of a new mattress and fridge is. . . . . .


Today is a day of organizing. Me to the basement to work on my new scrapbooking/sewing shelves. (I will post pictures when I'm done!) And Roger is in the shed. Thanks to Roger and my Dad, I will be able to go out to the shed and cut my own wood for my projects. Jeezzzz. . . . the things that excite me! 

Monday, April 8, 2013

oh my goodness. . . . .

I had sooooooo much fun!!

This last Thursday I left for Topeka after work. And from then thru Sunday. . . . . I was on a dead run.

Lunch Friday with Michele.
Picked Jessica up at car rental place mid afternoon.
More shopping.
Supper at IHop with Jessica & Michele.

Left for Kansas City with Jessica and Lena Saturday morning.
  ~ Lena is Gabe's Mom. What a nice lady!!
 (Michele has pneumonia. boo!)
Shopped till we dropped at West Bottoms. 
It is soooo cool!!! Was there M.O.S.T the day!
I know! I know! I've said it before.
Cabela's. . . DANG! No shotgun shells!
Back to Topeka.
I LOVE my K-Tag!!
Hobby Lobby.
Office Depot to get a new printer/scanner. 
Orschelins. . . Darnit! Out of shells there too!!!
Supper at OutBack Steakhouse with Jessica & Michele.
(Jessica's favorite!)
Quick trip to the mall so Michele can shop at Maurices.
  ~ Afterall. . . . . . she has missed most of the shopping!BOO!
Drive thru SnoCones! Made Jessica happy!! 
Good thing I invested the .50 for spillcups! 
(Why didn't they have those when the girls were little??)

Believe it or not. There WAS time for lots of talking and bonding!
I sooooo enjoy visiting my girls! And love that they are together!

Sunday noon ~ left for home.
SAM's at Salina.
Met Mom, Dad, Courtney & Cody in Hays.
 ~ Picked up an antique lamp in KC for Mom.

Gosh I missed my boys!

Over the river. . . . . and thru the woods. . . . . .

to Grandmother's house we go.

Easter weekend was busy!! Michele was home for a few days and we sure enjoyed having her here. We missed Jessica as she stayed in Topeka. Gosh, it is hard as your kids grow up! 

Saturday Roger, Michele and I made an afternoon ride to the farm to see Glada and Audrey. We had a nice time. Just sitting and visiting. 

Sunday we went to Bison. And the "Easter Bunny" came. 

The bunny was a little rough on Courtney!

We were all jealous when Cody went riding!