Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Move outta my way......

Last weekend we got Jessica moved. I've been having lots of problems with my right hand, so when the movers showed up.... I ran some of my errands. Got some things picked up and also got a few things returned. Then it was time for cleaning and putting away. To make a long story short, it was very dirty. But we got it done. Thank goodness for Gabe and Roger! They worked their behinds off and had such patience, not only for me, but for Jessica too. Michele also worked her little tail off. We couldn't have done it without everyone chipping in like they did. Even Jessica's roommate Allison worked her behind off. Jessica's house is so cute! And what a nice neighborhood it is. Nice and quiet!!! They did good! I can't wait till the next time we go for a visit! It will be so nice to just hang out and enjoy the quiet. Just sit and enjoy her new patio and backyard. Good job Jessica! We are so proud of you!!!

What a day today!! It was just beautiful! I had so much to do here at the house, but chose to go to Hays and go shopping. Got some new work clothes. Took Michele out to dinner. Even got some more fencing for my garden. We are working on expanding it. To say the least, I didn't get a thing on my list done. But I did enjoy the beautiful day! I am hoping that we can get my garden going soon. Roger has been SOOOO busy at work! Lots of hours everyday. Hope he finds the time for my garden...hehe.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hi hoooooo.......

Hi ho.... hi ho.....it's off to Topeka we go!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring is in the air......

Just BEAUTIFUL!!! Can't turn down this weather! Friday afternoon it was snowing. Now the snow is already gone. And it is just beautiful! Hopefully winter is officially over as yesterday was the first day of spring. GO SPRING!! But then again, we will be complaining of the heat when summer gets here too. Can never make us happy.

This week is a busy week. Michele is going back to Hays tonight for school starting back up after Spring Break. Not much of a Spring Break as she worked, but that happens when you grow up. Jessica is working and packing this week as she is moving this weekend. Roger & I are working and gearing up for the moving too. Good thing she hired Three Men and a Truck!! Roger wants to just sit back.... drink a beer... smoke a cigar..... and watch! Says alot considering he doesn't smoke. Then we get ready to move Michele too the middle of May. Then hopefully both of them will be staying put for a while.

I hope to get busy on my quilts once we get back from Jessica's. This afternoon I'm going to finish an paper bag album. At work, each dept is making a basket to auction. The proceeds will go to Relay for Life. My office is making a Mother's Day basket with garden/flowers in it. Thought it would be cute to make an recipe album to go in it. Turning out pretty cute. Will post pictures on my Scrappy Paper blog when I get it done. Then I have material for two rag quilts. This weekend I hope to get more material. I'm wanting to make a rag quilt to go on Jessica's new bed. Yea!!!

Hmmmm....... BUSY! BUSY!! Have a GREAT week!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring fever.....

Is that what you call it?? Spring fever.... before the snow flies? Yesterday was such a beautiful day! Roger and I spent most of the afternoon in the garden. We are "expanding"! The hardest part was dragging the electric poles to the garden. Why you ask? We are using them to make a raised bed for my strawberries. Got 50 plants coming!! YUM! Can't wait to see how the garden grows...... Until then, we are expecting snow this weekend. You never know in Kansas!

Happy St. Patty's Day!!!

Did you have your green on???

Prayers please....

Needing prayers again! Keep them coming!! Cousin LaDonna had her first mammo and sonogram since her treatments were finished. They found another spot. She is going in for a biopsy in 2 weeks. There is a chance it is post surgery tissue. PRAYERS!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

DiD U ReMemBEr????

Did you remember to set your clocks up? I just hate this time change!! It will take me a week to adjust. Tired.... tired....tired!

Michele is on Spring Break this week. Good timing! She was getting pretty stressed out over her classes. But I guess that is what college is about! A couple more years and she will be "all grown up" and won't get that anymore. Sorry Jess..... you must be "all grown up" now. :-) But on another note, Michele is working part of Spring Break...... so no B.R.E.A.K for her. We will however all three get a B.R.E.A.K the beginning of July. The girls and some of my other family will be heading to Texas for a week of relaxation. My cousin Penny and I had talked about going and visiting
LaDonna in Spring, TX after LaDonna was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Since then Uncle Dwight has had some health problems of his own. But if he is doing well, Penny will also be joining us. Who knows who will be in that vehicle....... I'm guessing we will be full! LaDonna is already planning our day trips and has assured us that we will have a fun filled vacation. Here is a sneak peak of one of our days...... Don't freak Jessica ~ they DO have a lazy river!!!

Check this out.........

We will also be doing this.......

I just can't wait!! :-)

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Got spring fever!!! After hearing that my Dad and his neighbor have their garden's ready. And after hearing that they planted their onions and radishes this weekend...... I ordered my tomato's, cucumbers, strawberries and cantaloupe today. CAN"T WAIT!!! Jessica and Gabe won't know what hit when they are making LOTS of trips home to help me can this summer. :-)

Another one DoNE!

Well..... Another weekend is DoNE! They seem to go by sooooo fast. I remember as a child, the days went so slow. Now they are getting faster and faster. Guess I shouldn't wish my life away! I did get so much done this weekend. Michele was home. On Saturday, her and Roger went to the farm to see Grandma. I had started working in my basement Saturday morning, so I chose to stay home and keep working. Before Roger left he helped me move my scrapbooking/sewing table to a different corner of the basement. Using the space more wisely than we were. Then when I got everything put back in its place, I moved the day bed downstairs too. I've been wanting to get a full size bed to put in Jessica's bedroom for sometime now. I just hadn't gotten around to yet. Well, as Roger says...... I got a bur up my butt and am doing it now. I wanted to get some more cleaning done in the basement today, but did paperwork most the afternoon. Also got the wash all done. Roger worked and Michele did homework. Pretty productive! My goal this week is to get the basement all spring cleaned up!!! Then to the upstairs!! It IS that time of the year you know.

This week my day off will be pretty darn busy! Jorge gets groomed. When he is there, I go to the grocery store. :-) Then that afternoon Roger has a dentist appointment. Something about the tooth that he had a root canal on YEARS ago..... needs a little work. I think while he is there I'm going to go see the back doctor. A new doctor took over the practice that Michele and I have been going too, and I REaLLy like the guy! Then we need to swing by Michele's to switch out a bed frame AFTER I buy the new mattress for Jessica's room. And on top of that we are on a time schedule there.... Michele is a busy girl you know! She has a basketball game. Sometimes it is so hard to believe how grown up the girls are! School.....job.....basketball.....studying.....(Michele). Job 1..... Job 2...... Gabe...... (Jessica). I guess they aren't little kids anymore!

Have a GREAT week!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blow out the CaNdLeS!

Happy Birthday to you..... Happy Birthday to you.... Happy Birthday dear DaD! Happy Birthday to YOU!!!! NOW you can be officially "TIRED"!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Ear infection...... OUCH!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Did you know.....

that if you become one of my followers..... you can make it so you get e-mails when I update???

Hmmmmm...... What to do.....

You guessed it! It is TuEsDAy! Gotta love them!