Saturday, January 29, 2011

LaDonna. . . . .

I wanted to tell LaDonna "Thank you" for having me back in October. I was slow. . . . . but got it done! And what a better way than by buying her a bottle of wine and part of the proceeds go to breast cancer. Love you LaDonna! Thank you! Thank you!

                                                     Fight Harder & Faster!

whaaa hooo...

Whaaa hooo for medicine?? I know you think I'm weird. But that is what Jessica said when she called me. She is so excited to be under my health insurance. And I'm soooooo lucky to have it. It is BCBS through the State of Kansas. Yeah me! And do we ever love it!!!! You go to the pharmacy and they say. . . . . . cents! YES CENTS! That is so great on the pocketbook! And now that this year we were able to bring Jessica back under one of our insurances, it was a no brainer to bring the girls under mine and not Roger's. Sooooo. . . . . . . Jessica is reaping the benefits! She doesn't have to pay for her insurance. . . . . and she is getting her prescriptions for pretty cheap! Yeah Jessica!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

ouchie, ouchie.... more ouchie!

This is my arm AFTER 8 days. Where the bruise itself is. . . . it is not as puffy as it was, but my arm in general is still swollen there. The nurse looked at it again today to see how it is doing. Which it looks alot better, but hurts more than when it happened. If even my shirt touches it. . . . .  ouchie! She said that we just need to keep a close eye on it and make sure that I get no big lumps under it. Apparently it infiltrated "deep". Beats me! I'm not a nurse! All I know is that it  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hurts!

Monday, January 24, 2011

empty nest....

My nest is now. . . . EMPTY. Michele left this morning and went to a couple classes. I got my hair done. Then Jessica and I left for Hays. Left Jorge to be groomed. Ran to the mall. Met Michele for dinner. Got a few groceries. And then Jessica had an orthodontist appointment. As I type. . . . . .she is about an hour from Topeka. {tear tear} We sure enjoyed our girls being home! We just hung out as Jessica was not really feeling up to par. She was sick last week and ended up with strep throat. Ouch! She got lots of rest while here! Hopefully in the next few days she will really start feeling better.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -Albert Einstein.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

brightest crayons.....

You could say that we are not the brightest crayons in the box! I had such a bright idea tonight. To sit in the hot tub. Ya. . . . not such a bright idea after all. So, what happens the day after an ice storm? . . . . when the wind starts blowing??? You guessed it! The ice starts falling off the trees. Yep. . . . . told you so! Not such a good idea after all!!!   :-)

Tomorrow is "Happy" Friday! Jessica AND Michele will be home!!! Yah me!!! Have a great weekend! I know I will!!!!!

PS. . . . . . Dr. Doug's nurse called. My gallbladder is just fine. All that jazz with my arm and it is ooookkkkaaay. Okay then! Dr. Doug will talk to me in a couple weeks at my next Dr. visit on what we are going to do next.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

baby it's........

COLD outside! I sure was glad that I have Wednesday afternoons off! It was nice to "enjoy" this ice. . . . . .inside! Michele said the roads in Hays were slushy, but the sidewalks were icy. Jessica said they haven't gotten any ice, but it sure is snowing. Topeka was suppose to get almost 8 inches. Or at least the is what the news just said. I think tomorrow morning is going to be a slow ride to work.

The X-ray department found me today. They wanted to see what my arm looked like. Then they sent me to have a nurse check it out. A pretty good part of my arm is black/blue/green. And there is a big knot under the skin. She said it is okay. Just keep an eye on it. But it will probably get more bruised, look a lot worse and will take a while for the knot to go away. I'm suppose to put heat on it for the next few days. All this from just taking the needle out of my arm. Jeesh! I bruise really easily anyways, and when the girls were little I actually had the county health nurse ask me if my husband beat me. She asked me that several times. And every time I laughed and said no. . . .I just bruise easily. Then she would proceed to tell me that if he was hitting me, it was okay to tell her. So. . . . tonight Roger says. . . . .I want you to write a note and have the hospital sign it. I don't want anyone asking if I did that to you! Silly guy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ouchie... ouchie... ouchie

I had my RNGB this morning. No, I don't know the results yet. Yes, it made me hurt. Yes, it made me feel like I was going to be sick. No, I don't want to do it again. The ouchie part. . . . . . when they took the IV out. . . . . .guess it kept bleeding under the skin. Goose egg! They ended up having to wrap it most of the day with heat. The goose egg went down. :-) But man is it bruised!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Gma Ummel

January 14th was Grandma Ummel's 71st birthday. We celebrated it with a small get together yesterday. Due to it being so close to Christmas, half of the grandchildren couldn't make the trip. Sometimes it is very hard to find the time for traveling when you were just off for the holidays and had already spread yourselves so thin. Yep.... the kids are growing up and finding themselves in their own little families. Anyways............ as you can see with the pictures.......... a silly day!

Happy Birthday Grandma Ummel!




Enough said....................

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011


Soooooo very proud! Jessica called a couple days ago and was sooooo E.X.C.I.T.E.D! She was approached by the CEO of First Management Inc and offered the position of Manager to College Hill. Sounds like "someone" will be leaving.......... shortly. She had been thinking of applying for the position if it became available. All they could do is tell her that she didn't have enough experience or wasn't qualified. BUT they approached her! Way to go Jessica!!! We are sooooo P. R. O. U. D. of you!!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

just when you think......

that everything is going to be better. That the new year is off to a great start.........

Please keep my Uncle Melvin and all of his family in your prayers!! Uncle Melvin's wife Sherri passed away on Wednesday. Her funeral is Monday @ 2pm. Mom and Dad are on their way right now. They thought they better get to Manhattan before the snow storm hits tomorrow.  Hopefully, everything can go as planned with the snow and everyone can stay safe. We love you all and will be thinking of you!!

Then earlier this morning I got a phone call from my boss saying that our hospital CFO's husband had died this morning. What a shock!   So please, ALSO keep Joy and her family in your prayers too!

OK! Bad stuff done! Onto the rest of us........

Jessica ended up with the flu on New Years Day and has been struggling with it for pretty much most of the week. Then she also ended up with a cold on top of that. YUCK! But I did talk to her last night and she was sounding much much better. She was stocking up on groceries, getting gas and just plain getting things ready in case she gets the snow they are predicting. And bless Gabe's heart! He is also making sure she has everything he needs to dig her out afterward and take care of her during the snowstorm. Sure glad she has him!!! 

Michele kept us busy this last week. She MOVED! Those roommates of hers were just plain LOUSY! Drank alot, partied alot, trashed the house ALOT and just plain RUDE most the time! Pretty sad when she felt she had to put a lock on her bedroom so nobody could sleep in her bed when she was gone. {And sucks to be the girl that went home for most of Christmas break. The others are letting people sleep in her bed while she is gone. Y.U.C.K! } So.... she subleased her room and found a new place. And the funny thing is, the house is SOOOO much like our first house we moved into when we moved to WaKeeney! She says it just feels like home. And we are so glad!!!!! A happy Michele means the rest of us are happy too! There are a total of 6 girls that are living in the house, but believe me, there is plenty of room. I could move into that house!!!!! And just in the days she has been staying there, she is loving it!  H.A.P.P.Y!!!

Roger & I..... we have just been pretty much work & home. I started cutting up Char's pj's this last week. I know, sounds sad. I was at first, but am really getting excited the more I cut. The squares are going to be used for me to make some quilts for the rest of us. They are going to be SOOO beautiful! And what a memory for us to have and keep! I even had a lady print a picture of Charlene on fabric that is going to go in the quilts too. How special that will be!  I will post pictures.... later.... when I get them ALL done. So it will be probably a few months. Beauty takes time. 

Roger has spent most of this morning ..... outside. :-) Piddling. {his favorite saying} I know he is probably getting his tractor ready for the snow that is suppose to be coming in the next couple days. The TV is saying 5-9 inches. I'm sure they will change their minds more than once before it gets here. I know we need the moisture, but I have a test on Monday morning. So hopefully we can get to that. I had an EGD a couple weeks ago since I've been having so much troubles with my stomach. I was sure I had an ulcer. But no. The stomach looked yucky but the biopsy's were good. But he did say we need to get to the source. So Monday I am having an RNGB. That is the test that will tell us if my gallbladder is functioning right. And if that is okay, I will be sent onto a surgeon. Dr. Doug is thinking that my stomach is not working right. That when I eat, the opening at the top of the stomach is too lax and everything comes back up. If that is it.... I will have to have surgery to try to fix it. Sounds like they go in and tie off the top of the stomach.... with the stomach? ewwwwww! 

Anyways....... have a GREAT weekend! Enjoy the snow! And stay safe!
And..... keep Uncle Melvin and Joy's families in your prayers.

FYI................. I'm staying in my pj's ALL day today! Go me!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

welcome twenty eleven.....

Sounds like a good number!  1/1/11   The year for D.R.E.A.M.S. The year for B.E.L.I.E.V.I.N.G.  The year for new M.E.M.O.R.I.E.S.  Did I bring in the new year? No. Did I make any new years resolutions? No.  As Roger says every year.... the new year will come in whether we are awake or asleep. And we choose...... asleep every year. Does that make us bah humbugs? I don't think so. Just smart! And especially last night when it was so cold out! Besides that.... sometimes it is just nice to snuggle under and just not go anywhere.

So much has happened this year. Some things we would rather not remember, and then some things we don't ever want to forget. Those beautiful memories that we are so scared that they are going to slip from our minds. The laughs and giggles that we will never hear again. The love.... I was going to say, that we would never feel again. BUT, that is wrong! That love..... will be felt forever! On days that I feel down, I can feel that little arm going around my neck. I can still feel the love. 

So.... as I said before.... Out with the old & in with the new. The year for N.E.W dreams. The year for N.E.W memories. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of being sad. I'm tired of crying. And now I'm done. I'm done being tired. I'm done being sad. I'm done crying.  I choose.... ME!  2011 is the year for celebrating! Celebrating love! Celebrating life! God makes things happen for a reason... and we just have to trust in him. 

So ..... you ask .... what ARE my plans for the new year?? Here is my list......
~ to get just plain healthy! to get some exercise. to lose some weight. to get to bed earlier and get more sleep each and every night. to have a better attitude. to have the love. to get more organized. to deep clean each and every room in my house.

To just be plain H.A.P.P.Y 
To just enjoy L.I.F.E!