Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving 2. . . . .

Even thou we were able to go to Topeka and celebrate Thanksgiving with our girls, Jessica was able to come home on Wednesday afternoon and spend a few days with us for the holiday.  It was so nice to have her home.  

On Thursday we spent most of the day in Bison with Grandma and Grandpa Kaler.  Grandpa and Courtney cooked a grand Thanksgiving dinner as Grandma is still healing from her back surgery.  The meal was grand enough that we had to get our naps in before Roger, Jessica and I headed out for round one of Black Friday.  Which isn't really isn't Black Friday when it starts on Thanksgiving evening.  No I don't believe they should start those sales on the Thanksgiving holiday.  But yes we wanted that tv for Jessica and Gabe's Christmas present.  So, yes we were in that line.

And yes, so was everyone else.  You really can't tell in this picture, but this line was seven lines deep in front of us.  And I don't even know how many lines behind us. Two isles long wound from the fabric department, thru the crafts, in front of the service department and into the shoes.  Sure makes you wonder how many of those tv's they had because there were a LOT of people waiting for just that tv. 

Roger chose to just wait in the vehicle.  :-))

Round 2 was 5am Friday morning.  Nothing big.  We just wondered and then had breakfast at IHop.  We did find some really good sales.  Then homeward bound for a nap. 

Saturday we went into WaKeeney for the Holiday Bazaar and then to pick up toilet parts.  Of course our septic line would plug up.  And we have taught our girls well!  They are not afraid to get down and dirty.  After Roger got home from work, Jessica and him "played" and found the plug.

And of course Jorge had to get in some snuggles with Jessica while she was home. :-)

Tomorrow is Cyber Monday.  Are you shopping??

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

THaNksGIVinG #1 . . . .

This last weekend Roger, Glada and I made a quick trip to Topeka for a Thanksgiving meal at Michele and Nicks.  We were there pretty bright and early as we left our house a little after 6am.  Let's just say there was a lot of food! Yum. Yum. Talk about getting our tummies full!! Everyone who came brought delicious food.  Nick's family was there.  Jessica, Gabe and Gabe's Mom, Lena was there too.  It is so nice to be able to all celebrate together.

We were on our way home and we got a phone call from our Michele.  She called to tell us some great news.  Nick had asked her to marry him! (We knew it was coming.  Nick had asked Roger for his blessing while we were there.)  This is just sooooo exciting!  Both our babies getting married! 

Gosh they grow up fast!!!

My Mom and Dad have 6 grandchildren. In 2015 three will be getting married and one will be graduating from high school.  Wow! Party!!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Jessica & Gabe. . . . .

 Jessica and Gabe recently got their engagement pictures taken.  My goodness the time is going fast.  It is hard to believe that their wedding is in just about 6 months!! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

ba. . . ba. . . . back. . . .

A few weeks ago my Mom had major back surgery.  Lets just say there were complications and we were taking turns staying with her.  She is now home and MUCH better now.  Thank goodness.  We don't want to do that again!

Before my Mom's surgery, we had started a bathroom remodel.  And yes we are still working on that bathroom remodel.  It kind of came to a screeching halt.  Michele and Nick had came home to help us with a water leak.  Seems the water drain to the tub was rotted and ALL the water was just going into the crawl space.  YUCK!  Now we wonder for how long?????  Oh my! Thank goodness we got that fixed.  

So.  Believe this.  That end of our house that has the "crawl" space under it,  there is only about a foot of room between the floor and the ground.  And there is no insulation.  Is there really suppose to be or not?  I'm not sure.  But you know me.  I got it in my brain that it would make that wood floor warmer and once it is in that brain. . . . .  it isn't coming out.  :-) 

So. . . . . . 

imagine this. . . 
Roger and Nick. . . .
sliding on their backs. . . 
with insulation. . . 
sucking in their tummy's. . . 
Michele tried. . . . 
but just couldn't . . . . 
and what could I say. . . 
at least she tried. . . 
I wouldn't even go under. . . 
and the only way out was the 2x2 hole Roger cut in the floor. 

The good. . . 
with the cold weather. . . . 
the floor is warmer!!!
So. . . . 
it was worth it!

Thank you Dear!
Thank you Nick!