Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011


Wow..... Wasn't yesterday the most beautiful day??   What about the weekend??  And here it is the end of October.

The girls were home this weekend.  We had family pictures taken on Saturday afternoon.  I'm so excited to see them!!  They were taken outside.  Any more perfect for Roger?  Even he cooperated!  Hard to believe, but he did!  The rest of the time we worked on our front porch.  We have gotten so much done!  Yesterday, after the girls left... and Roger was at work, I painted my window trim.  Today I'm touching up the house color.  Just hope I don't blow away.  Sounds like the wind will be blowing hard, but need to get it done before they winter cold sets in.   

Have a G.R.E.A.T week!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

got your drill??

Monday afternoon I had my tooth implant done.  And it really wasn't too bad.  Actually better than I thought. Having the tooth dug out was worse.  Basically he numbed the outside and then the inside.  Waited a few minutes for it to go numb.  Then he drilled the hole.  No cutting.  Screwed the screw in.  Then screwed a cap onto the screw.  No stitches.  No gauze.  I was in the chair for less than 30 minutes.  Now it has to heal for 4 months.  Letting the bone and screw become one.  After the bone has filled all in, they will take the cap off and put the tooth on.  Pretty cool!!  The area is sore and aches.  But my biggest problem is with my RA.  Just my immune system.  Sooo..... even though my implant went fairly easy............... it kicked my butt!  I went to work Tuesday morning, but was heading home by dinnertime.  Then I was home still on Wednesday.  I am feeling much better today and ready to say.................  EASY PEASY!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


So many changes!  This weekend and also last weekend!!  Mom and Dad came up and helped us a LOT. Thank you! Thank you!!  And am I ever excited!  We put in a new front door and screen door.  Funny to be so excited about my screen door! (The screen disappears up into the top of the door.)  Then this weekend they took out the door in the kitchen.  I can't believe how much warmer my house is without the wind hole there.  I have high hopes that my electric bill will be going down.  Now Roger needs to trim out my front door.  And then he is going to make me a pantry in my kitchen where the other door was.  Just sooooooo excited!!

And to top it all off...... our girls came home this weekend too.  We are H.A.P.P.Y!!!!!  (And then they will be home again in two weeks!!  We are having family pictures taken. )  HAPPY days!!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy Birthday........

Happy 22nd Birthday Mishi!!