Monday, April 20, 2020

Covid 19 ~ Day 39

Is anyone else just about ready for this to be over with????  Oh Gosh I am!!!!!

Kansas has 1,986 cases of Covid-19. Yikes!!
Deaths ~ 100
Hospitalized ~ 405
Negative tests ~ 16,775

Stay at home order is now May 3rd.

Trego County, where we live still has 0 cases of Covid-19.
Ellis County, the county to the east has had 8 cases of Covid-19.
Gove County, the county to the west has had 1 case of Covid-19.

I still feel like I'm dreaming!! Is this really happening??

Oil prices busted yesterday. Oil per barrel closed at $-47.50 yesterday.
YES!!! NEGATIVE $-47.50!!!
This has NEVER happened!! So, so sad!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Covid 19 ~ Day 30

This is CRAZY! Day 30!!!  It feels like the days are so long and just running into each other. But yet it doesn't feel like we have been doing this for 30 days!

You would think I'd be getting soooo much done! NOT!

As of yesterday, Kansas has 1,337 cases of Coronavirus with 56 deaths. There is 1 case in Gove county which is the county right to the west of us. And there is now 2 in Ellis county which is right to the East of us. Thankfully the cases in Western Kansas are not as high as the cases in Eastern Kansas where their population is so much higher. I NEVER dreamed that I'd go from sewing minky throw blankets to making face masks for my family!!

We are still Facebook Portaling quite a bit. But I sure wish we could reach through the Portal and give our little man a big hug and kiss!! I'm sure he'll look like he has grown a foot by the time we get to see him in person!

I have been trying to get back in my garage with the nice days we've had.  New hearts are being posted on Facebook and I will be listing on my Etsy shop soon!!

Until next time,
Take care!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Covid 19 ~ Day 10

The days are starting to run into each other. You have to stop and think.... what day is this?  There several counties around Kansas City that now have went to the next step with stay at home orders. This is for Kathryn & Tanner & kids. Also for Cara and Nathan. Sedgwick's order goes into effect tomorrow morning at 12:01am.  Vicki, Dennis, Kim and her fiance live in Sedgwick County. My sister Jenny, Mike and daughter Haylee are there too. Both Jenny and Haylee work at a hospital.

Shawnee County's order goes into effect at 12.01 Thursday morning. Jessica & Gabe live in Shawnee County. Today's count is at 98 for Kansas. That was 98 that got tested. And it is expected that there are cases in Shawnee County that haven't been tested. Just scary!! Stormont Vail  in Topeka brought in their first patient with Covid-19 today. But that patient was not from Shawnee County. The numbers are rising so fast, these stay at home orders need to be reinforced!! Let's get rid of this crap!!

There have still only been 2 deaths from this terrible virus in Kansas. And unfortunately a Man in Arizona has died from taking chloroquine phosphate, which is a fish tank cleaner. There has been hearsay that the medicine chloroquine sulfate could be part of the treatment for this virus. Apparently this couple did not listen or know that there was a difference. This gentelmens wife is now in icu. So so scary!!!! Don't try to be the doctor!!! Let them tell us what to do and please for gosh sakes listen!! They are not just wanting us to social distance for the fun of it!!!

Western Kansas is still seeming to be free of this virus, but you know it will be coming. BUT When? I have been sick for most of the winter. I've had so many issues with my sinuses. My surgery last March was suppose to fix it. But not sure it did. I had RSV over New Years. I've been on a antibiotic for most the winter. I was suppose to have a procedure on the 9th of April to break up all the scar tissues in my sinuses. But I got the call today that all surgeries were being postponed.

And then when you think this all can't get worse, Roger's Uncle Paul died. They live in Colorado. There will be a graveside service with only the immedient family under the tent. Everyone else is to stay in their vehicles. They will be able to listen to the service over a radio station. Thankfully his daughters are going to have a memorial for him when all this craziness is over. Sad week! Prayers and Hugs to all the family!!!!

Our Grandson Wade is hanging in there. They have good days and they have bad days. Talk about turning your life upside down!! The good out of all this is that within the first week he has pretty well poddie trained. Even wearing his undies at nap time. Way to go Wade!!!

The sad visits are when he asks if he can come to our house. Poor little guy just doesn't understand!! And I have to admit I'm having  Wade withdrawal!!!! Thank goodness for our Facebook portal!! The other evening we had a four way chat and it was awesome!!!! Michele & Wade , Jessica & Gabe, My Mom and Dad and then Roger and I. I think we talked for over a hour. It was nice to just be with them all and laugh.

Last week I was just really down in the dumps! Just sitting and laying around watching all the news and updates. And now I'm slowing that all down and just get up and moving more. Been cleaning. Tomorrow I have high hopes to make it out to my workshop. I haven't been out there since last fall before I got sick all winter.

Enjoy the beautiful day tomorrow!!
Stay well!!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Covid 19 ~ Day 6.....

Our Govenor has closed our schools for the remainder of the school year. They are now scrambling to provide online classes for all the children.

Yesterday there were 34 confirmed cases in Kansas. Today it is now 44.

J's husband that works at a bank in Topeka has been moved to work at home.   Thank goodness!

The Sheriff's Department in our town is now offering to pick up grocery orders and pharmacy items and deliver to your house. How awesome is that!! We may live in the middle of nowhere, but we are sticking together!!

Our own home is making it just like everyone else. Roger's job has been the same. We are lucky that he does not have to be around too many people and his company is taking more precautions. My schedule is going on as usual. I typically stay home because of my autoimmune disease and have continued that. Our small town Dollar General has their first opened hour every day for the elderly and immune compromised people and if needed, that is when I go. If we will need anything from other than that, Roger will be getting it.

We received news yesterday that we have bacteria in our water well. Do you ever feel like when it rains it pours??? We have been advised of what needs to be done and Roger has started that process. Luckily our home has two water wells!! It may be a burden, but we can make it happen. My primary doctor has extended my antibiotics for my sinus issues. I was told it wasn't likely, but it is possible that the bacteria is what is causing the bacteria in my sinuses. I guess we will know is time.

I pray that everyone stays self quarantined and stays well!!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Covid 19 ~ Day 2 self quarantine

Oh Gosh! I don't even know how long it has been since I posted last. But this crazy world of our has made me feel like I needed to document about these days. These crazy and scary days! I'm sick to my stomach even thinking about it.

Today is Day 2 of the self quarantine/de socializing from the Covid 19 Virus. Overseas is crazy! And we are just two week behind China where so so many have been sick and so many are dieing. Such a sad and unsure time. I never thought I would see something like this in my lifetime.

Day 2 comes with 11 positive with Covid 19 and 17 more being watched and quarantined and 1 death  in Kansas. All Kansas schools have been cancelled for at least 2 weeks and will then be re evaluated. Most colleges are closing the rest of this semester and will start next week and finish with online classes. YMCA's, fitness gyms and casino's are closing, restaurants are changing to carry out only. So many business are saying if you want to still shop they can facetime shop with you. Then they will bring your purchased items out to your vehicle. We just need to stop this virus!!!!

If you go to the grocery store so so many shelves are just empty. NOTHING! The first to sell out was toilet paper. Then all the hand sanitizers and wipes. You see people on Facebook posting they are looking for diapers and formula. Such a sad time!

I am lucky to say that both my daughters jobs have allowed them to work from home. What a relief to this Mama Bear!!! And with that being done, M was able to pull Wade out of daycare. We have hopes that between his Mama and his Auntie being so close, they can keep him busy busy. M's husbands job is mostly not around people and J's husband works at a bank. There they have taken precautions of closing their lobby. We all know how dirty money is!! So I'm sure there is LOTS of hand sanitizer!

I just want to wake up tomorrow and this be just a BAD dream!............