Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Christmas this year was fairly quiet. Not like any Christmas we have ever had. What a change when your girls grow up and make their own families. And then with Christmas being in the middle of the week. Well, that messes things up too. Jessica and Gabe had to work on Thursday and Friday and got here late Friday night. They left mid morning on Sunday.  Michele made it home on Christmas Eve. And was able to spend from Christmas Eve till Sunday morning with us. Her and Nick had exchanged their presents. And Michele got a guitar from Nick. I guess one time she mentioned to him that learning how to play the guitar was on her bucket list. He must listen. :-)  Her and Roger was playing around with it. But for some reason Jorge just didn't like it. Hmmmm. . . . . 

Christmas afternoon we went south to Glada and Audrey's. Dennis, Vicki, Cara and Kim came from Wichita. Glada's sister, Aunt Shirley came to visit for a few hours and ate dinner with us before heading onto their brothers for supper. We had a grand time visiting.

Saturday late morning Michele, Roger, Jessica, Gabe and I headed to Bison to have Christmas with Mom, Dad, Courtney and Cody. Jenny and Haylee were able to come from Wichita. A good meal and presents! 

 Jorge L.O.V.E.D his chicken!

Happy Holiday's from The Ummel's!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

never met friend. . . .

I have a friend that lives in Saint Francis Kansas that I have never met in person. Somewhere. Somehow. I found her online many years ago. She makes the most gorgeous paper bag albums! I first met her by special ordering a paper bag album for Jessica's college graduation on ebay. She also made Michele's college graduation paper bag album. I've made some paper bag albums myself, but I just can't seem to pull them off like she does. Wow! She also makes cards and loves to paint.

http://networkedblogs.com/S7eMz (this is her blog)

She sent me a beautiful painting she did. 

What a sweetheart! And I DO love my cowboy boots!

So I made her a set of angel wings. And she LOVED them! 

Someday. . . . . . we will meet in person!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

tis the season. . . .

The Ummel's were RACK'ED today! (Random acts of Christmas kindness) This Christmas card came in the mail with this Bah Humbucks lottery ticket. I have heard several stories from our area of people finding presents around town with this note. Thank you to whomever sent it. You made my day!

Angels among us. . . . .

I am obsessed with angel wings. This set is hanging on the wall of my bedroom. Every time I look at them. . . I think of my angel's in heaven.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

DRX 9000

About 3 years ago, after struggling with my back for about a year, I did spinal decompression treatments at my Chiropractors,  Dr. Koerner. It helped so very much! But as the time has went by and with my RA, my pain in my back has been pretty consistent. So, I again went thru the spinal decompression treatments. But this time we have decided that I will keep taking the treatments. Not several times a week, but hopefully space them out to about every other month. If you have not went thru this, I got to admit it looks pretty scary! But just image someone pulling from your head and your feet at the same time. HEAVEN. Or at least for me it is.

Step 1 ~ Lay on this table. Belt hooked up from your hips pulling down. Belt hooked up from upper waist pulling up. 22 minutes on this while the machine is tricking your body and pulling apart contracting tight and loose. Even has a tv screen on it which you can watch a movie of your choice every time. I choose the radio. Lights off. Relaxing! :-)

Step 2 ~ Off to the next table where you are iced or heated while getting e-stem for 14 more glorious minutes. Electrical currents help contract the muscles/nerves. It really helps with the pain.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

thanksgiving/black thursday??

Gosh! Thanksgiving came and went! Hard to believe that Christmas is almost here. Where does the time go? 

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. With Mom still having problems since her fall, I was blessed with Thanksgiving dinner. And I'm not saying blessed. But R.E.A.L.L.Y blessed! I can not even tell you if I have ever hosted Thanksgiving dinner before this year. We have always went to my Mom and Dad's. This was always Charlene's holiday. I'm sure she was laughing in heaven watching me cooking and getting everything ready. Probably with her arm covering her eyes. But it DID turn out well. And I did NOT burn anything. NO fire alarms went off. {cough cough} {like others we know} {cough cough} {like about every year}

And of course the Ummel tradition. . . . This year it was shooting Mama's new gun!

And of course the planning. . . . . 

We then did the Black Friday {Black Thursday} thing. I know there was lots of controversy on when shopping should start. That it shouldn't be on Thanksgiving. I completely understand. BUT we do always complain and say we ate way too much. That we should get up and do something. . . . . Well, we did. We planned. We shopped. We succeeded! Go team!

Thank you Courtney for standing in line and being our "person" for the tv bracelet! You are awesome!  We did good! There was O.N.L.Y 21 tv's. And we got 4!

 Yes. We are honest! 

Just in case you are wondering. Dad was sitting next to me in the tv line. Mom was fighting her way for the jeans. {in a wheelchair} Go Mom! Michele was smooshed among the people for hours to get her sound bar. And Cody was a big help going between Grandma and Michele helping them out. 

Turkey cooked. Turkey ate. Nap. Shopping. Home and snuggled in bed by 10:00 pm.