Monday, September 27, 2010


I thought that this Monday would start out good. After all, I have all day Monday and also Wednesday afternoons off now. So, wouldn't Monday just automatically be good. ......... Not so much! I got so much done this last weekend. Thought that it would roll right into Monday.... again... not so much! Michele came home this last weekend so she could have some quiet time to study. Got up this morning and was covered with hives. And itched like crazy!! She then had an follow up on her knee. Looks like her last surgery will maybe be the day before Thanksgiving. Will be getting those screws taken out. We rushed her back to campus so she could go to class.... and take a test. Three of them to be exact! And this is after taking benadryl for the itching... that made her VERY sleepy. Then I get a call from Jessica. She too was not feeling well. Was having troubles with her asthma and breathing. She went to the Dr. and got meds. Hopefully she starts feeling better soon!!!! So.......

CAN I ASK FOR A REDO?????????????

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Just love the weekends! But for some reason I'm feeling a little l.a.z.y!

.... Roger is at w.o.r.k.
.... Jessica is at w.o.r.k.
.... Gabe is at w.o.r.k.
.... Michele will be studying a.l.l. weekend as she has some BIG tests on Monday.
.... M.E................   :-)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

long thought.......

After long thought.... do I ..... don't I ...... do I ...... don't I?? I have decided ...... I had thought about going part-time at work. Then I wasn't so sure. (I think I'm kind of greedy!) So I finally made the decision!! I'm officially going to work 3 1/2 days a week. What a compromise! A little more time for me, but yet still working full time. And I'm lucky to work with the women I do!! It is soooooo nice to feel appreciated!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

talking trucks....

Last night we got to sit and chat..... about trucks. hehe Roger's cousin Denny gave us a call. We got to sit and visit with him and his friend Robyn. (Whom, you guessed it, used to drive a truck) Denny & Robyn had came back to Kansas for the Ummel Annual Reunion and to also visit Robyn's family in Wichita. Sounds like they had a grand time with both families. They took plenty of pictures and will be e-mailing them to me soon. Can't wait to see what fun they all had. Roger & I didn't make it this year as we had other plans. And it ended up with Roger being sick. YEP! It caught up with him. But he is feeling much better now.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


I asked..... ever had one of those days? One of those weeks? How about.... one of those years??? Sometimes we get in a rut and just have troubles finding our way out. So many people forget to stop and think... it COULD be worse. And you know what.... it can. I've always been one of those people whom doesn't want anyone to feel sorry for me. I've always "tried" to be positive, but sometimes I let those little thoughts get into my mind. Wondering..... why? The last 6 months has really proven so. Michele's first surgery. My beautiful little sister passing away. (My family falling to pieces.) Michele's second surgery. Finding out that Michele will need a third surgery the end of the year. Being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. And then you have all of those little things that you just rub your head.... and then say.... why doesn't that surprise me. Life is not made to be easy. You have to have your challenges. That is what makes you, you. SOOOOO, as of today!!! Today I'm going to be one of those whom turns my world around! Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I'm going to be so positive. Life is GREAT! And yes... it can be worse. We need to be thankful for what we have! When I grow up... I want to be just like Aunt Kris!! She is sooooo positive! Taking such good care of Uncle Dwight. What a tough broad! Yep! That is how I want to be when I grow up!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

one of those......

Ever had one of those days? Or even one of those weeks? We sure have! Michele went to the doctor twice yesterday and then came home..... sick. Jessica called this afternoon. Was on her way home from work.... sick. And I'm just not feeling the best either. Crap! But, on a good note.... Roger seems to be well! :-)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Couple more......

Brother.... Sister...... FAMILY!
Mom bought ALL this material.... just for him.  Love you soooo much Uncle Dwight!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

the day

25 years ago.... I married my bestest friend!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

Enjoying your day off??? I am! Last week I worked Mon-Thursday (Remember I work 10 hour days). So then I was able to have Friday off and spend it with Roger. He started his vacation time off last Wednesday. Then we both go back to work this Wednesday. Blah! Oh wells! Wednesday & Thursday he had his "Me days". Friday we spent the day in Hays. What a nice day we had. Saturday all of us.. Mishi too... went to Mom & Dads. We thought that their computer was just acting up, but it was not acting at all. Yep... it died. So then we all went to Hays and helped them pick out a new one. Before we came home, they took us to eat at Thirsty's. (Thanks Mom & Dad!!! ) Mishi then brought the computer to our house so she can get the extra stuff off and get it all set up and ready for Grandma. Yesterday Mishi made a quick trip back to Hays and I got a lot of "stuff" done here around the house. Today is going to be one of those days too. Just got so much I want/need to get done. But it sure feels great afterward!!!!!!

Next Friday .... after work .... Mishi and I are heading for Manhattan. Mom & Dad will be heading that way ahead of us. Jessica and Marley will be coming in on Saturday morning as Jessica is nannying Friday night. Jenny, Taylor & Haylee will also be coming in Saturday morning. We have hopes to visit Uncle Dwight and Kris. Got a special surprise for Uncle Dwight. Then we want to go check out his "famous"   cabin. Sounds to me like a picture opportunity! And of course shopping will be on our agenda. Hobby Lobby here we come!

And tomorrow....... it is THE day.......

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Grandkids weekend......

hmmmmmm.......  crazy kid!

Last weekend we had a Grandkids weekend.... minus Jessica. (And we sure did miss her!) LOTs of laughs and FUN.  Even the big peeps had fun too!