Sunday, August 22, 2010

Back to normal.......

Oh my...... Where did the summer go? And have we kept busy! With what??? I'm not really sure. Michele went back to Hays. She will start classes tomorrow. She is still doing physical therapy. Down to two days a week and has about 5 weeks more to go. Then they will go from there. She was released to run, so physical therapy has started that out very slowly. But she was SOOOOO excited!!! We started this whole thing on April 15th. Boy, time sure flies when you are having fun! I'm not sure that Roger & I will even know what to do. Being alone again. 

My garden has done pretty good this summer considering the extreme heat. The cucumbers have been done for a couple weeks now. I sure got quite a few jars of pickles canned. My tomatoes are still going. Not strong, but going. I canned more salsa yesterday and will have more tomatoes to make salsa on Tuesday. Hopefully that will make it all done. I'm getting just a little tired of working in the garden everyday, but will sure enjoy my jars of yum yums. Then maybe I can get some other things done. Like painting my washroom. Since moving in, we have taken the window out and put a door in. Roger has also put a wood floor down in there. Then last weekend he put up some shelves for me to use as extra storage. I can't wait to get it all painted and everything put away. That storage will sure come in handy!! Thanks honey!

This coming weekend we are having a grandchildren (minus Jessica), Me, Jenny, Mom & Dad weekend. Michele planned it and has some fun things planned. Can't wait!!!!!  I'm sure there will be lots of picture taken and we will need to take a day off after to recover! ... will post pictures when we have time later.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Hope the cake and ice cream is GREAT in heaven! Happy Birthday!

Drew. . .

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Finally pictures...... :-)

My Honey....... heart heart
Gabe "learning" how to drive.......
And again........
Jessica & Marley
The things we do to keep ourselves busy..... :-)

Fruits of my labor......

Tuesday's are always so busy! I have a very long "to do" list for today. This morning I have already.......
~Talked to my sister on the phone about our little get-together. We are getting the grandchildren minus Jessica together at Grandma & Grandpa's. The kids think it is a party..... not! CLEANING! hehe

~Jorge and I went to the garden. He loves it there. Always looking for that "pesky rabbit". Just so funny to watch him looking. Anyways we filled our basket completely up. Oh my! Looks like canning some cucumbers will be added to the bottom of my list for the day.
~Washed a load of dishes..... 
~Worked on my computer for a little bit. Tomorrow it will be going to someone whom I hope can fix my blue screen of death.
~And have started the wash....
Hmmmmm....... so much more on that darn list! I had better get busy! Have a GREAT week! I know I will. Jessica & Marley are coming home Friday night.......!!!!!!!!! Can't wait! Saturday will be spent in WaKeeney. Christine (Michele's good friend) is getting married. Lots of .... food .... people .... fun .... & dancing ....  :-)