Thursday, November 28, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

morning thoughts. . . .

This last weekend I had ran my hand across my husbands face. I instantly thought of this man. I know that sounds funny. . . .  but Roger just has so very many of his father's features. Not only his looks and wrinkles, but his smile, his caring and loving heart. I miss this guy so very much! He was such a good Grandfather! But boy oh boy did I cuss him at times. When I had supper on the table and then he would pull in the drive to do chores. My girls LOVED doing chores with Grandma and Grandpa! Eventually I planned my meals and times around when we thought Grandma and Grandpa would be there. If only I knew then what I know now. If anything I hope that what I learned from this man will make me a better grandparent when the time comes someday.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

more Vegas. . . .

When you fly Southwest you have access to the Flight Tracker. You can follow where you are and all sorts of info. Look at that ground speed! :-)

Welcome to LasVegas!

Excited to see our guy!

I fibbed earlier. :-) I DID sneak a picture of Garth! Whhoooppsss! So now you understand why it isn't zoomed in or in focus.

This was Mishi while we were waiting for our flight home. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  :-)

I'm back. . . . . :-)


Michele and I recently took a Mom/Mishi bonding trip. What a wonderful time we had! But before I get into that, I have to say I did miss my Jessica. Hopefully we can plan our own bonding trip in the future.

LasVegas! Roger and I went there about 25 years ago. Gosh that was a long time ago! And WOW! There are a LOT of changes in 25 years!! :-)  Roger won $1000.00 on a silly old slot machine. That ended up paying for our trip. And then we gave money to our parents for helping us with the farm and our girls. Michele and I, WELL. . . . not so much! Neither of us are really gamblers. We actually didn't put any money into a slot machine until the morning we were checking out. We both lost. . . . duh duh dunnnnnnn. . . . . $1.00! Just don't ask how much we spent shopping!

The Luxor. . . . Our home away from home

Do you see the "O"? Yep! Our room is right below that. As we were checking in, they gave our room to someone else. So we got "upgraded" :-)
Crazy to us that you could be swimming outside the beginning of November!

We did! wink wink

New York New York

The Paris with the fountains from The Bellagio going off . . . dreamy. I do have to say that of all the pictures I took, this has to be one of my favorites. This one was worth the $$ for my new camera! (This picture is for you Larry!)
We had lunch in the Eiffel Tower Restaurant. Was wonderful to just sit and look. And the food was pretty good!!.

Power plant to California

The generators at Hoover Dam

On Arizone time. . . .

In Nevada AND Arizona. . . .   :-)

On Nevada time. . . .

Lake Mead ~ They have been in a 12 year drought
Went on our FIRST helicopter ride!

Hoover Dam

Have to admit. . . . I was REALLY worried about chucking my cookies. BUT. . . It was awesome! I will defiantly be doing this AGAIN!
Our limo

And the reason we went to LasVegas. . . . Garth Brooks! BUT the only things we have to share about that are these pictures and Mishi's tee shirt/cd. They did NOT allow photographs. And don't think we didn't try. But those attendants with the little blue beam lights. . . . yep. . . . they hunted you down. He was awesome! And the night we were there, they were filming for the TV special "Garth Brooks, Live from Las Vegas". Set your dvr's!! Mine is!  It will be on Friday, November 29, 2013 @ 8:00pm on CBS.

I know this picture is blurry. But we learned an interesting fact. The Luxor has a light that beams up. This light actually beams all the way into space. There are two things in space that astronauts use for reference. The Great Wall of China and this light. Wow!!