Monday, April 25, 2011

rain . . . . .

In Michele's words . . . . . . . . . . . .
It's a BEAUTIFUL day!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

laugh of the day . . . .

Sorry Jessica!  Gotta share this.

As I've said before,  Jessica is moving next week.  She has had her share of problems with her current landlord and is so excited to be moving out of the house she has been in for the last year.  Just can't get out of there fast enough!!

Well . . . . . . maybe!  

She has had problems with just about everything in this house.  The roof leaking, the furnace, the kitchen sink, the front door, the bathroom sink, the garbage disposal, the bathroom ceiling, the toilet and now the current issue is the bathroom door.  Not really the door, but the door handle and lock.  The problem is . . . .  you can not latch or lock the door.  If you do . . . . you get locked in.  And even if you don't latch it, sometimes it does by itself and then you are just screwed.  And yes Jessica has been locked in!  She can now laugh at this, but at first she couldn't.  The first time it really happened was when Michele & I went to Topeka to look for houses.  Michele & I were in Jessica's bedroom and Jessica went to take a bath.  About 15 minutes after heading that way, she showed up in her door way.  "Why didn't you guys let me out!  I have been screaming for help for 10 minutes!"  Then last week she called as she was going back to work from lunch saying " I wonder if I didn't get back to work, would they come looking for me?"  And this morning she called.  Had to laugh about this one!  She went to the restroom at 5:30 this morning.  Was stuck in the bathroom for 45 minutes before she could get out.  She hollered . . . . . . . but nobody heard her!  Wasn't funny at the time,  but when she called . . . she WAS laughing!!!! 

I'm thinking this last week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . she should take her phone with her !!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

quack . . . . . or soar . . . . .

So . . . . . do you quack like a duck or soar like an eagle??

As you all know , I changed jobs about a year and a half ago .  And if I praise anything about my new job, it is how nice people are .  I know . . . . every job has it's downs .  But they really try to be on a positive note .  Today one of the supervisors gave my boss a story .  Do You Quack like a Duck or Soar like an Eagle ? I'd like to share it with you . When I first read it , I thought of Michele .  She is NOT a morning person ! NOT at all !! When she was younger , Roger & Jessica would fight over who had to wake her up in the morning .  I usually ended up being the "chosen" one .  Not too long ago , Roger was sitting at the kitchen table . Michele had slept in .  She came walking through .  Her hair all messed up .  Half asleep still .  As she walked into the kitchen she stopped .  And then she said . . . . "It's a beautiful morning."  Then she went on her business .  It really took us by surprise !  Was that OUR Michele ?? When asked later what brought this on , she said . . . "I'm not a morning person .  But I'm trying to work on that .  If I start my morning on a good note . . . I'm bound to have great day ."  And since then , she is on the goal of making the world a brighter better place .  If  EVERYONE in the world would do this , we would be in such a better place. 

~Do you Quack like a Duck or Soar like an Eagle ??   by Mr . Crum

Great Service is a CHOICE . . . . . . . . . No one can make you serve customers well . That's because great service is a choice . Years ago , my friend Harvey Mackay , told me a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point .  He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport . When the cab pulled up , the first thing Harvey noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine .  Smartly dressed in a white shirt , black tie , and freshly pressed black slacks , the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for Harvey .  He handed my friend a laminated card and said : "I'm Wally , your driver .  While I'm loading your bags in the trunk , I'd like for you to read my mission statement ".  Taken aback , Harvey read the card .  It said :  Walley's Mission Statement :  To get my customers to their destination in the quickest , safest , and most economical way possible in a friendly environment .  This blew Harvey away .  Especially when he noticed that the inside of the cab matched the outside .  Spotlessly clean !  As he slide behind the wheel , Wally said , "Would you like a cup of coffee ?  I have a thermos of regular and one of decaf . "  My friend said jokingly , "No , I'd refer a soft drink ."  Wally smiled and said , "No problem .  I have a cooler up front with regular and Diet Coke , water and orange juice."  Almost stuttering , Harvey said , "I'll take a Diet Coke ."  Handing him his drink , Wally said , "If you'd like something to read , I have The Wall Street Journal , Time , Sports Illustrated and USA Today . "  As they were pulling away , Wally handed my friend another laminated card .  "These are the stations I get and the music they play , if you'd like to listen to the radio ." 
As if that weren't enough , Wally told Harvey that he had the air conditioning on and asked if the temperature was comfortable for him .  Then he advised Harvey of the best route to his destination for that time of day .  He also let him know that he'd be happy to chat and tell him about some of the sights , or , if Harvey preferred , "to leave him with his own thoughts ."
"Tell me , Wally ,"  my amazed friend asked the driver , "have you always served customers like this ?"

Wally smiled into the rear view mirror .  "No , not always .  In fact , it's only been int he last two years .  My first five years driving , I spent most of my time complaining like all the rest of the cabbies do .  Then I heard the personal growth guru , Wayne Dyer , on the radio one day .  He had just written a book called " You'll See It When You Believe It ."  Dyer said that if you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day , you'll rarely disappoint yourself .  He said , "Stop complaining !! Differentiate yourself from your competition .  Don't be a duck .  Be an eagle .  Don't quack and complain .  Eagles soar above the crowd ."

"That hit me right between the eyes ," said Wally .  "Dyer was really talking about me .  I was always quacking and complaining , so I decided to change my attitude and become an eagle .  I looked around at the other cabs and their drivers .  Their cabs were dirty , the drivers were unfriendly , and the customers were unhappy .  So I decided to make some changes .  I put in a few at a time.  When my customers responded well , I did more ."

"I take it this has paid off for you ," Harvey said.
"It sure has , " Wally replied .  "My first year as an eagle , I doubled my income from the previous year .  This year I'll probably quadruple it .  You were lucky to get me today .  I don't sit at cabstands anymore .  My customers call me for appointments on my cell phone or leave a message on my voicemail.  If I can't pick them up myself , I get a reliable cabbie friend to do it and I take a piece of the action ."

Wally was phenomenal .  He was running a limo service out of a Yellow Cab.  I've probably told that story to more than fifty cab driver over the years , and only two took the idea and ran with it .  Whenever I go to their cities , I give them a call .  The rest of the drivers quacked like ducks and told me all the reasons they couldn't do any of what I was suggesting.  

Wally the Cab Driver made a different choice .  He decided to stop quacking like a duck and started soaring like an eagle .   How about you???

Monday, April 18, 2011

h . a . p . p . y .

What a nice weekend we had ! Jessica & Marley got here late Friday night . It was so nice to just sit and visit . On Saturday Roger & Jessica then went to the farm to help his Mom . Sounds like they took down the old wash house and did some cleaning up .  Then Audrey and Jessica worked on pruning the lilac bushes .  After the long day we had Jessica's favorite . . . . . bbq'd steaks ! Yesterday was a lazy day . ( for Jessica & I )  Roger worked . Jessica & I slept in . Then we headed for Hays . Picked Michele up . Did some shopping . Had dinner . Did some more shopping . Then Jessica & I came home . We spent most the evening with us working in the backyard . Just a nice . . . . quiet . . . . weekend .  The end of the month we move Jessica from her house into the duplex that her and Michele are leasing . Then we move Michele to Topeka the middle of May . Got to go find my muscles !!  Have a GREAT week !!

Friday, April 15, 2011

you know you're in Kansas when. . . . .

it is thundering , raining , the wind is blowing to beat all ,  snowing & blizzarding ALL at the same time .  What a surprise it was when I was watching the news before work this morning and they said Interstate 70 was closed from Colorado to WaKeeney .  After having to take back roads to get to work , it was just a crazy day ! Crazy to think it was clear at my house . Crazy that Interstate was closed . And just plain Crazy that not 20 miles to the west of Quinter we had employee's snowed in . Just CRAZY ! Yep. . . . . your in Kansas Dorothy !

Jessica is on her way home ! YEAH ! She has an orthodontist appointment on Monday morning . So she is going to be here ALL weekend!!!!! That makes us happy ! Well. . . . probably not all of us happy . We keep telling Jorge that his friend~girl Marley is on the way . He just gives us this look , like. . . . oh no ! Funny how dogs can have their own little personalities .  A couple nights ago he got into trouble with Roger . So Roger made him come inside . Then Michele , Roger & I went for a bike ride . When we got home , we sat on the front porch and opened the door for Jorge . He was torqued ! Would NOT step outside the door . Finally Roger told him he was not in trouble anymore . And then Roger said the "sorry" word . Amazing . Just amazing . "I'm so so sorry Jorge . You are not in trouble no more . I'm sorry".  And out he came .  Just such a silly dog!!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

circles. . . . .

Do you ever have one of those days that you feel like you are going in circles?  Do you ever have one of those weeks that you feel like you are going in circles ?  Do you ever have one of those months you feel like you are running in circles ?  YES . YES . & YES .  Do you get it ?  I feel like we are going in circles . 

Last Friday Michele and I left right after dinner for Topeka .  Saturday we looked at apartments and townhouses .   Sunday we looked at townhouses and houses .  Monday we looked at MORE townhouses and houses .  Monday night the girls signed applications for the nicest duplex!!! :-)  Warm .  Cozy .  New carpet .  New appliances .  And in a very nice neighborhood.   In Michele's words . . . .  we found the diamond in the ruff ! What a relief for Roger & I .  What a relief for Jessica & Michele .  Just a really nice place in a nice SAFE  neighborhood .  The girls are so excited .  Not only about the duplex , but that they will be together .  Michele is sooooooooo excited to be going to Topeka .  Jessica is soooooooo excited to have her family in Topeka .  It is hard to believe that our girls are growing up .  Seems like it was just the other day that Roger & I were bringing them home from the hospital .  Now they are finding their wings .  And flying away .  What opportunities they are going to have !  We are just so excited for them !  From the time they were little , we were always telling them that they can do ANYTHING .  All they had to do was put their hearts into it .  Just because you are a girl doesn't mean you can't be anything you want to .  And in the years gone by ,  they have proved themselves .  They have not been afraid to work hard .  Not afraid to get their hands dirty .  Not afraid to try something new .   They have the attitudes. . . . .  we can do anything we want .  And with all that. . . we feel confident that both our girls WILL go far .  And we are so very proud of the young women they have become .  

I am sad to say that Roger's Aunt Sharon passed away on Sunday .  Please keep her family in your prayers .  Her funeral is tomorrow , so also please keep all the family in your prayers as they all make the trip to Colorado and back for the funeral . 

just one big circle. . . . .