Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ummel4. . . . .

Comments! I want your opinion. I started this blog in 2008. My goal was to have it up and going for when Michele went off to college. With her running track for FHSU, I wanted to have a way for family and friends to keep up with our lives. Then when Roger's Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer, we used it for family to keep up daily with how Glada was doing. That way we didn't have to do the phone thing over and over and over and over. Over the last few years, it has just became a habit. Good days. Bad days. Sad days. And HAPPY days! Our family is growing up and moving on. 

With the girls not being at home anymore. . . . . Roger and I are just a "little" boring.  :-)  So, what do you think? I'm thinking the girls now need to help post.  We are Ummel4!! 


time? where did it go?. . . . .

I have finally decided to start my planning. My planning for Graduation. It is sneaking up sooooo fast! It does not seem like Michele has been in Topeka for a year. Or in college for four years. Then I think that my Jessica will be 26 this December. WOW! Where has the time went?? We are very blessed to have two beautiful daughters. We are very blessed to have two smart daughters. We are very blessed to have two daughters who have a good head on their shoulders. We are just very blessed!!

I love where Roger and I are in our lives. It seems the older we get, the more relaxed my wonderful hubby gets. Even the girls notice it. Sometimes he is so funny! And getting so protective over me. Especially since my RA diagnosis. I feel like we are in this together. What great support he is! I am so blessed!!!! 

I also love the relationship that my girls have. I have such great relief that they are together! That they have each other. I feel such a big heart flutter when I hear how they take care of each other. Even Gabe knows that Michele is along for the ride. This weekend they are moving into their "big girl home". I can't wait to see it. Jessica has her "big girl job". And Michele will start her "big girl job" shortly after graduation. Again. . . . . where has the time went?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Proud Auntie. . . . .

As many of you know. . . . Courtney and Cody are now living with my Mom and Dad. It has been good not for just the kids, but also for Grandma and Grandpa. There is not enough time in the day to go into the whys. The time I do have is to brag! Both the kids had some not very good grades. Some F's in fact. BUT. . . . last night Courtney looked her grades up online. And guess what?? NO F's at all. This is one proud Auntie!!!!  WAY TO GO COURTNEY!! We knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

in the mail. . . . .

In a little over the month. . . . . . . our baby girl will be graduating from college. The years have went by way to fast!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

hop. . . . hop. . . . hop. . . .

Everyone is gone. . . . .  :-(    Sooooo quiet now. But what a wonderful last few days we have had! First arriving was Jessica. She had work to do on this side of the state for the week, so her and Marley arrived at Mom and Dad's on Tuesday. Then Wednesday they came here. Thursday evening Michele got here. She has Friday's off, so she left from work. They sure bring our house alive!!

Saturday we had a house full!! And how nice that was! Mom, Dad, Courtney, Cody & Dozer got here early afternoon.  Glada, Audrey & Bucky came late afternoon. Supper was great! And the conversation was wonderful too!

But. . . . . .  it all has to end. Jessica, Marley & Michele have left for Topeka. And our house is. . . . . . quiet. In two weeks we will be going to Topeka to help them move, and then Michele graduates on May 12th. Lots of loudness to come!  :-)