Wednesday, April 25, 2012

time? where did it go?. . . . .

I have finally decided to start my planning. My planning for Graduation. It is sneaking up sooooo fast! It does not seem like Michele has been in Topeka for a year. Or in college for four years. Then I think that my Jessica will be 26 this December. WOW! Where has the time went?? We are very blessed to have two beautiful daughters. We are very blessed to have two smart daughters. We are very blessed to have two daughters who have a good head on their shoulders. We are just very blessed!!

I love where Roger and I are in our lives. It seems the older we get, the more relaxed my wonderful hubby gets. Even the girls notice it. Sometimes he is so funny! And getting so protective over me. Especially since my RA diagnosis. I feel like we are in this together. What great support he is! I am so blessed!!!! 

I also love the relationship that my girls have. I have such great relief that they are together! That they have each other. I feel such a big heart flutter when I hear how they take care of each other. Even Gabe knows that Michele is along for the ride. This weekend they are moving into their "big girl home". I can't wait to see it. Jessica has her "big girl job". And Michele will start her "big girl job" shortly after graduation. Again. . . . . where has the time went?

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