Tuesday, November 25, 2014

THaNksGIVinG #1 . . . .

This last weekend Roger, Glada and I made a quick trip to Topeka for a Thanksgiving meal at Michele and Nicks.  We were there pretty bright and early as we left our house a little after 6am.  Let's just say there was a lot of food! Yum. Yum. Talk about getting our tummies full!! Everyone who came brought delicious food.  Nick's family was there.  Jessica, Gabe and Gabe's Mom, Lena was there too.  It is so nice to be able to all celebrate together.

We were on our way home and we got a phone call from our Michele.  She called to tell us some great news.  Nick had asked her to marry him! (We knew it was coming.  Nick had asked Roger for his blessing while we were there.)  This is just sooooo exciting!  Both our babies getting married! 

Gosh they grow up fast!!!

My Mom and Dad have 6 grandchildren. In 2015 three will be getting married and one will be graduating from high school.  Wow! Party!!

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