Saturday, January 1, 2011

welcome twenty eleven.....

Sounds like a good number!  1/1/11   The year for D.R.E.A.M.S. The year for B.E.L.I.E.V.I.N.G.  The year for new M.E.M.O.R.I.E.S.  Did I bring in the new year? No. Did I make any new years resolutions? No.  As Roger says every year.... the new year will come in whether we are awake or asleep. And we choose...... asleep every year. Does that make us bah humbugs? I don't think so. Just smart! And especially last night when it was so cold out! Besides that.... sometimes it is just nice to snuggle under and just not go anywhere.

So much has happened this year. Some things we would rather not remember, and then some things we don't ever want to forget. Those beautiful memories that we are so scared that they are going to slip from our minds. The laughs and giggles that we will never hear again. The love.... I was going to say, that we would never feel again. BUT, that is wrong! That love..... will be felt forever! On days that I feel down, I can feel that little arm going around my neck. I can still feel the love. 

So.... as I said before.... Out with the old & in with the new. The year for N.E.W dreams. The year for N.E.W memories. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of being sad. I'm tired of crying. And now I'm done. I'm done being tired. I'm done being sad. I'm done crying.  I choose.... ME!  2011 is the year for celebrating! Celebrating love! Celebrating life! God makes things happen for a reason... and we just have to trust in him. 

So ..... you ask .... what ARE my plans for the new year?? Here is my list......
~ to get just plain healthy! to get some exercise. to lose some weight. to get to bed earlier and get more sleep each and every night. to have a better attitude. to have the love. to get more organized. to deep clean each and every room in my house.

To just be plain H.A.P.P.Y 
To just enjoy L.I.F.E!

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