Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Color Run KC 2012. . . . . .

This last weekend Jessica, Michele, Courtney & I went to Kansas City Missouri to participate in The Color Run. If you ever have a chance. . . do it!! It is such an awesome feeling!! Every city they go to, they find a charity for the funds to go. KC's was The Ronald McDonald House. It is a 5K run/walk, which is 3.1 miles. I decided that I wanted to prove. . . . to myself. . . . that I could do it. And I DID!! The pictures just don't show the atmosphere. Between two days there were over 30,000 people. A lot of people and a LOT of fun!

We started the day with our alarm going off at 4am. And were on the road by 4:40am. There is not many days that I see the sun come up. Roger always gives me a hard time and says it is the most beautiful time of the day. And this day he was right. The sunrise was just beautiful!

 This was the crowd behind us. . . Can u see the end?? :-)

 Courtney already has her color on!!

 I just LOVE this picture!! Getting our game on!

And we are off. . . . 

 1st color ~ Yellow!!

 2nd color ~ Green!

 Yellow + Green = Orange??

 3rd color ~ Blue!!

 You got it! The 4th color is. . . . Pink! Jessica's favorite!!

I did it!!!! I finished!!!

 Remember ~ over 30,000 peeps in the two days. And who do we "run" into?? Kathryn, Tanner, Cara & Kim. Maybe next year we can do it as a team.

 I think this sums it all up!!

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