Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thank you lord. . . . . .

so very much! With the all medicines I take, it is "required" I see my eye doctor with frequent visits. My last appointment I was not feeling so well, so I had cancelled. (but rescheduled) My rheumatologist office actually called me to "remind" me that I need to go to the appointments. I really felt like a 5 year old after that call. :-)  I know that my RA meds are all risky. Take the risk. . . . . . or be crippled and sick? Hmmmmmm. What does a person do? After several tests this morning, I was told my eyes were excellent! I can go back to my contacts as I can tolerate them. January has been great!!  Two doctors appointment with great news.

Life is beautiful. And what a beautiful ride!!

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