Monday, March 28, 2011

weekend. . . . .

Roger and I had just a wonderful weekend with the kids .  Jessica & Gabe made it about 9:30 pm on Friday .  The house went from quiet. . . . . to. . . . not so quiet .  But we loved it!  Michele took the opportunity to pick up extra hours over spring break , so she had worked all week .   Then when she got off work on Friday , she had a get together with the girls that had went to State Volleyball her Freshman year in high school .  They were the first and only team from Trego Community High School to go to State Volleyball .  During this exciting experience , they decided to do a time capsule and chose to open it back up when the youngest on the team turned 21 .  Which she did a couple weeks ago .  So Michele didn't make it home till late . 

After late night visiting Friday night , we started Saturday with going to Mom and Dad's .  Jenny and I had planned a birthday party for Dad , Haylee & Cody .  Dustin and family did not make it , but the rest of us had a wonderful visit .  We ate , visited and even worked a little .  Aunt Sharon brought a U-haul back from Arizona and we went to her house and helped her unload it .  The more the merrier! ( And faster ! )  After visiting more late afternoon , we headed back west .  Stopped in Hays .  Did a little shopping .  Stopped in WaKeeney and picked up some supper .  And home bound we went.  Just a relaxing evening visiting .

Yesterday afternoon Jessica , Gabe &  Marley headed back to Topeka . :-(  Roger , Michele and I spent the day being lazy .  Some naps .  Some watching basketball .  Some warm time by the new fireplace .  By they way. . . we are loving the warmth!!!  So glad we had it put in .  This morning Roger went back to work .  Michele went back to Hays .  And me. . . . I'm enjoying the warm fire!

Happy Monday!

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