Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fun day Sunday......

Such a nice Sunday! My Mom and Dad came up for a visit. They brought me my Mother's Day present. A BIG strawberry pot. (I pulled 3 strawberries off it tonight!!) Mom is getting so tired of being inside!!! Can't say I don't blame her. She has an appointment on Thursday, so we'll see if the first boot will come off or not. Hopefully so!!!

We had such a nice visit!! Just sat and talked. We skyped Michele and got to talk to her, Jessica & Gabe. Mom really enjoyed seeing the girls and getting to see their new place. I think we got her hooked!! She wants one for her computer now!! :-) Roger bbq'd supper. Then Mom and I sat on the front porch in the rockers. Dad and Roger did some shooting with Dad's new gun. Boys will be boys!!! Just a great way to end the weekend!!

Tomorrow morning I have a dentist appointment. I have this tooth that has no roots and is embedded in the bone and needs to come out. Have to be honest....... kind of has me worried. I'll let you know........

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