Friday, June 10, 2011

just can't imagine.....

I have something pretty weird to share. Yesterday at lunch one of my co-workers was sharing one of her families most favorite meals.  drum roll ...............................  dumplings and watermelon. YES... that is correct. She makes dumplings and then they put the watermelon on top. Mix it up..... and eat it. I just can't think that would be good. Another just can't imagine....... At Dr. Locke's funeral his family was talking of one of his favorite's. A glass of popcorn with milk poured on it. His son said..... don't say yuck until you have tried it. HMMMM.......

PS..... The tooth was not so bad. Actually it only took the dentist about 30 seconds to get the tooth pulled. Was really sore for the first couple days and I wasn't feeling the greatest. But I'm feeling much better and obviously it is a little tender, but healing quite nicely. The next step..... an implant. :-)

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