Saturday, March 24, 2012

all things change in time. . . . .

I can't believe how time changes everything!! It seems like it was just yesterday that we brought Jessica home from the hospital. And then 3 years later Michele. My big eye opener was when Michele went off to college. I wasn't sure how Roger and I was going to make it. What would we talk about?? What would we do? Then Michele moved to Topeka. . . .  BOTH my girls are on the other side of the state!!! 

Michele will graduate in May. BOTH my girls will have their "big girl job". Onto bigger and better things. They are getting ready to move. . . . again. . . . . . .  :-) Bigger and better. 

Yep. . . . . time moves on. . . .  things change. . . . . .

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