Friday, September 18, 2015

Been over a year. . . .

Today.  Another day in paradise.

We didn't even hear the rv pull in the driveway.  And I even had the windows open. 

Thank goodness Roger was home from work early.  I had the front door open enjoying the cooler weather.  When the doorbell opened we both had that deer in the headlight look.  If you lived here and had the visitors we have had you would have that look too. 

"on vacation"
"wind got hold of the canopy"
"have a ladder?"

Of course, what do you say?  So Roger went out to help them.  And of course as he is going out the door he tells me to keep the guns close.  And I say. . . . . "And remember.  This is the reason I don't want to retire here."  

Thirty minutes later the driver and his partner are on their way.  

Way to go Roger!

Now I'm thinking I should have taken a picture thru the screen. :-)

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