Sunday, October 25, 2009


Has this weekend ever been BUSY! Michele and I are in Topeka visiting Jessica. What fun we have had. We shopped till we dropped! And I'm not kidding either...hehe. Michele wanted "bonding time", well.... she got it! The girls are both asleep right now. Which is where I really should be. But for some silly reason I just can't get to sleep. I'm guessing I've had way too much caffeine today. You would think I'd learn. Seems as you get older it bothers you more and more. Anyways..... what fun we have had! When Michele and I leave to head west, we will be making a detour thru Manhattan. Mom and Dad are needing us to pick up some cabinet for them. Then we will meet them in Hays and they will take it from there. I will drop Michele off at her house and then go on home. We always have a GREAT time visiting, but I will be ready to sleep in my own bed! Then back to work on Monday. And YEAH!!! Tuesday is my day off! I'm loving it!

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