Friday, November 26, 2010

mission IMPOSSIBLE....

So.... last year we did so well! We were so happy! We got our tv's! Three to be exact. This year.... not so much. CRAZY!!! Jessica, Courtney, Cody & I headed for Hays. (Roger went to bed. Mishi went to bed.)We were going for the midnight sales at Wally World. Oh my goodness! Was it CRAZY! We met up with Mom and Dad. It didn't take us long to ditch our carts. I've NEVER seen so many people. And they were rude, rude, rude! Jessica just about popped a few people for taking Cody out with carts. People were actually lining up for the tv's at midnight. The electronics were not to be un-rapped til 5 am. And the check out lines, they were L.O.N.G! So, we spent $0.00! Bought absolutely NOTHING! (Guess we did go to the quick shop and buy two pops for the ride home.) Now that we are at home, Jessica is checking prices online. And the pan set she wanted.... the one that we thought was such a great deal... only $10 off. So.... it is official! We have decided that next year we will do our Black Friday shopping from the comforts of our lazyboys! Go TEAM UMMEL! :-)

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