Sunday, November 7, 2010

wonderful.... but over :-(

We had such a wonderful weekend. It was so nice to have the girls.... and Gabe home for the weekend. Basically just hung out. I was so sad to see Jessica and Gabe go back to Topeka. And Michele will be leaving in the morning to head back to Hays for classes. It will be soooooo quiet! Then this afternoon I sewed while Michele and Roger got their naps.  :-) Even Jorge was tired. He doesn't play well with others... poor Marley. Now we have two and a half weeks!!!!! Then we get to have Jessica and Marley for 4 days. And Michele will be home that Tuesday, but will have surgery again on that Wednesday morning. She will be getting her "hardware removed".  Hopefully we are home early enough for me to start my Thanksgiving cooking. Guess we'll see what kind of a meal we will get. :-) And after that...... Black Friday!!

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