Sunday, July 31, 2011

marbles. . . . . . . .

Courtney and Cody has just spent the last week with Grandma and Grandpa.  So, on Friday after work, I went to Bison for the night.  And what FUN we had!  Haha! Can you tell by the picture above that Mom was having a total BLAST!!!  We played a marble game that is just about like the game Sorry.  You have to roll a double on your dice to get out of home to go around the board.  Well, I just wasn't so lucky and just couldn't get out of home.  Finally Cody said . . . . We are family.  I will help you.  So, he would take my marble, put it in his home, and when he would roll a double he would put my marble out so I could get out.  What a sweetie.  We all laughed so much!!  Then yesterday Jenny, Taylor & Haylee came.  I stayed for supper and then came on home, while they were going to spend last night there.  After supper they all got to Skype with Jessica and Michele.  It sounded like they had a really nice chat and all the kids got to see what the girls new duplex looks like. Then today Jenny & girls had to go home.  And Mom and Dad had to take Courtney and Cody home.  Bet Mom and Dad's house will be pretty quiet tonight!!!

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